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The angst won't come for awhile and George just had a cold,dont worry lmao.

"There- all the spare blankets and pillows in the house." Dream huffed as he placed them on top of George, burying him in the blankets and pillows.
"There you go."

George shuffled through the blanket and poked his head out of the blankets faintly.
"Thank youuu." He smiled softly, you can clearly tell he has a stuffy noise just by the sound of his voice.

Dream chuckled before placing a soft gentle kiss on George's forehead.
"Of course darling.. I have to make some phone calls and arrange a lot of things.. So I am going to be busy today." He ruffled George's hair lightly, being careful not to mess it up too much.
"Is that okay..?"

George nodded tiredly- he just want to stay in bed all day... he didn't want to move..
"Mhm.." he nuzzled into the blankets.

"Just message or call me if you need anything alright? I'll be here right away." Dream gave George a comforting smile, tilting his head to the side... admiring the omega.

George nodded before sneezing.
"Uh- fuck." He rubbed his stuffy nose.. letting out a groan of frustration soon after- he hated being sick.

Dream chuckled before making his way out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him..

George groaned before sitting up, coughing heavily, his throat unbearable dry.
"F-fuck-" he rubbed his nose, trying to make himself feel better.

After a few moments Dream poked his head back in- having a worried look on his face.

"You okay..?" Dream tilted his head, looking at George worryingly- he heard him cough really bad.

George giggled faintly, nodding soon after.
"Yes Dream, I'm fine." He soon smiled, he liked how protective and worried Dream got.. it made him feel special and wanted.

Dream nodded softly.
"Do you have a sore throat..?" He furrowed his brows faintly, trying to see what's wrong with George and George hat he could do to help him.

"Yeah- a bit." George rubbed his throat softly, having a faint cough.. Jesus- he felt awful.

"I'll go and get you some cough drops from the gas station 30 minutes from here." Dream nudged his head outside the door.
"Do you want anything else..?"

"Snacks please." George giggled quietly, cuddling into the blankets, holding a pillow firmly.. he was hungry.

Dream nodded again.
"Alright- I'll be back soon." He smiled before closing the door.

Once the door closed George let out a small quiet yay.

"Yayy..!" George quietly yay'd, hugging the pillow as he nuzzled into it.
"God- I love that alpha." He mumbled into the pillow.

After a few moments he perked up, he- wanted to make his nest.. he wanted it ready for when Dream comes back.

"Dream wouldn't be mad if I made my nest here.." George got up, pulling himself out of the pile of pillows and blankets.

He ended up tumbling off the bad, landing on the curb of the floor- ouch.

"Oof-" George landed on his chest before falling onto his back, doing a small tumble.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now