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I am two followers away from 300 on twitch 😭😭😭🙏🏻 ty all!

Zuma gasped as George took him outside, holding him close to his chest... he was excited..

George had a small giggle.
"Becareful.. the snow is slippery.." he placed him down closely..

Zuma sat down on the snow.. pushing a handprint softly in the soft snow as he did.

George smiled as he sat down next to zuma.
"Yeah! Snow!" He fluffed zumas hair.. admiring the smaller..

Zuma kneaded the snow as he made small hand indents in the snow.

"Yeah, snow is cold zuma." George smiled as he slouched over, looking at zuma was doing... he didn't want him to do anything reckless or too get hurt.

"BOO!" Someone grabbed georges shoulders, scaring him from behind.. what the fuck?!

George first instinct was to punch up, nailing the person right in the jaw causing them to fall back..

"FUC-" Dream cut off as he tripped back..grasping his jaw, and ended up falling into the snow.

George quickly jumped and turned behind him.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" He quickly moved over to Dream, resting next to him.

Dream groaned as he held his jaw.
"Jesus... how did you learn to hit so hard for a omega." He whined faintly as he rubbed his jaw..
"Your supposed to be weak and fragile- not strong and hard hitting-" he groaned again.

George just looked at Dream unimpressed... weak and fragile?
"Zuma." He quickly grasped zuma and brought held him over Dream.

"Ya" zuma chuckled as he was placed next to Dreams arm, being held under his arms.

"Bite." George ordered as he pointed to Dreams  arm.. his using zuma against Dream.

"Bite- Okay?" Zuma looked at George confused.. he thought biting was bad.. they told him it was bad.

"Biting is bad- but on occasions like this where you dad is being rude, you can bite him." George nuzzled the top of zumas hair.. kissing him on the top of his head faintly.

Zuma just bit on Dreams arm.. it didn't hurt obviously due too the thickness of his trench coat... dam.

"Your teaching our son bad things." Dream just glanced over at George as he held his arm up faintly.. bringing zuma up with him.

"You can't say anything." George giggled as he carefully pulled zuma off of Dreams arm, cradling him softly..

"You right." Dream broke into a small wheeze as he sat up..
"Y'know..." he glanced over at the snowy hill side.
"I enjoy this... a lot.."

George smiled and looked in the direction Dream was looking.
"Me too..even though it's only been a few hours basically... I like it here."

"You haven't even seen all the good parts yet." Dream glanced back over at George, his smile growing... he's never actually be able to share this side of him before.. only George and zuma have seen this side of him.

"Oh? And what else does your rich ass own in this house." George cocked a brow as he turned towards Dream, adjusting zuma in his lap.

"Well- a pool.. training area- library... an extra office I don't even use- a few bedrooms... that kinda stuff." Dream shrugged like it was normal to have such a big house..
"Zuma can use the room across from us if he wants."

"Stay! Cuddle!" Zuma held his arms up as he gasped happily... he wanted to sleep with them..
"Love!... please?"

Dream and George looked at zuma in awe.. how can someone be so cute- and polite... at the same time??

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now