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I decided to change the chapter and shorten it- I have a plan for up ahead.

Tw: Mpreg. Yeah( if y'all don't like it, get tf out of here- I mean that in the kindest way)

George laughed.
"Your-your so stupid-" he rubbed his teary cheeks, continuing to laugh his ass off.

Dream smiled as he continued driving- he was able to make George feel better and not so much down in the dumps.
"We should be home shortly- sorry it's such a long drive." He hummed to himself.

George smiled happily as he looked out the window joyfully, watching the snowy covered trees as they passed them.
"Thank you."

"For what?" Dream looked over at George, cocking a brow faintly.. why was he saying thank you..?

"For cheering me up, I really needed it." George giggled as he adjusted the blanket around his body, hiding himself in the warmth,
"Especially with the Taco Bell." He looked at the wrappers scattered across the dashboard.

"Of course- sorry we couldn't grab your clothes though.." Dream frowned, resting his hand on George's thigh, grazing his thumb happily on his mates thigh.

"Yeah- but I thought it was funny when I walked into the Taco Bell." The omega giggled, leaning over and resting his head on his alpha.
"There faces were priceless!"

The alpha just grumbled- he didn't like it.
"For you maybe." He huffed, leaning down in his seat.... He was jealous because once they walked into the Taco Bell- all the alphas had his eyes on him.. even some betas- they should know to keep there eyes away.

George smiled before looking ahead, seeing the side road that leads up too the cabin- only a few minutes away.
"I can't wait to see zuma." He adjusted himself.

Dream soon had a smile crawl up his face.
"Yeah- me too... we've been gone all day..." He had a quick glance across the dash board, seeing the bag with the cake pop in it- good it has it.
"Let's just relax and watch a movie together."

George nodded softly- excitement over throwing his body.
"Yeah.. I think I need that right now.. and definitely some better clothes." He looked down at his outfit- it was tight.
"It's too tight."

"Yeah yeah, cmon- get up." Dream nudged his mate softly, trying to make his perk up.
"Wrap yourself in the blanket, we are home." He drove up the hill and in front of the cabin, parking it fairly quick.

George groaned as he sat up, wrapping himself in a blanket more firmly- he didn't want to mentally scar zuma-

Dream unbuckled his seat belt, reaching over and opening the door for George, grabbing the cake pop as he did so.
"You go on first, I'll follow behind."

George just whined- he was lazy and didn't want to get up.
"Nooo- carry meee..." the omega leaned into the seat, doing faint puppy dog eyes.

"Oh my god- your lazy." Dream scoffed before getting out of the car, making his way over to George's side of the vehicle.

"Whattt? Is it so bad to get my mate too carry meee..." George nuzzled into the blanket.
"I want my alpha too carry me." He was trying to act cute for Dream to do so... it always works.

Dream rolled his eyes before opening George's door- glaring at him faintly,
"Just admit your lazy." He slid his arms under George, lifting him up carefully- avoiding to drop him in the snow.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now