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Dream hummed, driving down the road- glancing in the rear view every once in awhile to check on zuma.

Zuma sat in the back car seat, holding bunny and wolfy.
"Bunny and wolfy!" He nuzzled them happily.

George held the two baby pups, carefully leaning back into the seat.
"Shhh..." he gently cradled them, they were sound asleep.
"Get some rest."

Dream happily tapped the steering wheel, keeping his gaze forward.
"Hmm.. where should I go to get a new laptop." He tried thinking of options.

George couldn't help but stare at the red mark on dreams cheek... why was he lying..? Was it for good reason?
"So- what we're you doing for work..?" He spoke calmly, not wanting to sound pushy.
"You were taking awhile."

"Just something I needed to finish- i apologize as I couldn't wait to finish it." Dream continued driving forward, humming.
"It was important."

"Then why did you need to change?" George stared at dreams new outfit.
"If you were working that is." He spoke in a calm soft tone- not wanting to pry it out.

"As I've said, I spilt win-" Dream was soon cut off by the omega.

"Dream." George said firmly yet softly at the same time.
"You stopped drinking awhile ago- and also- you wouldn't have gone for a drive with us if you did drink, you don't want to risk incidents happening" he was more concerned then anything- why was Dream hiding it and why.
"What really happened.."

"I simply wanted a glas-" Dream got cut off again-

"Dream- I can tell when your lying, your not a very good liar when you lie to me." George carefully brushed the hair out of dreams face, trying to keep the situation calm."
"Now tell me what happened... why have you been so stressed out today..?"

"I'm sorry."
Dream sighed, shaking his head... he had to tell George.
"There was a assassination attempt on us last night." He kept his gaze forward.

George looked- shocked- extremely shocked...
"What-" he furrowed his brows.
"And you didn't think to tell me that??"

"I had it under control.." Dream said in a calm tone, shaking his head.
"I didn't want to stress you even more... you were having a nice moment with zuma and the pups... and I didn't want to ruin that."

"So that's why Punz and Sapnap are driving far behind us." George had an unimpressed look, pointing at the window.
"Your worried that there's more that might come." He spoke quietly, looking in the rear view mirror.
"They have been following for about 10 minutes."

Dream sighed again..
"I'm sorry, I didnt want you to worry about all this- you just had two pups and I didn't want to stress you even more." He glanced over at George.
"I didn't want to traumatized the pups."

"You did a fine job traumatizing zuma when you dropped him." George looked down, seeing tallie and Elio Cuddled together sleeping.
"But- what happened to the man that tried to kill us."

"I dealt with him." Dream looked forward, gripping the wheel.
"Permanently." He said firmly, growling a little.

"You killed him..?" George tilted his head, now realizing the red mark.
"Is that why You still have blood on your cheek." He licked his thumb before rubbing it off dreams cheek.
"Gross.." He gagged.

"Yeahhh..." Dream grumbled, leaning back into his seat.
"I stabbed him- 3 times." He had a satisfying hum.

George rubbed his thumb on dreams blazer sleeve.
"Then take this nasty blood." He quietly gagged.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now