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It can't be zumas birthday without angst

Dream sat on the couch next to george, watching zuma open different gifts.
"God, that pup is so spoiled." He chuckled.

"At least he's grateful." George glanced over, seeing zuma hold a small box.
"He loves everything he gets- unless it's toys." He sighed.
"He doesn't like them for some reason."

Dream lightly shrugged.
"Everyone has something they don't like." He nudged George's side.
"And yours is being abandoned."

"Yeah... I don't want to lose my family.." George softly smiled.
"I like it here a lot." He glanced around, adoring the surroundings.
"When I'm with my family."

Dream placed a small kiss on George's cheek.
"I love you so much."

"Mama! Daddy! Look!" Zuma held up a small blue fluffy blanket.
"Fluffy Blanket!" He held it high to show them.

The two smiled.

"It's a very nice blanket zuma." George glanced over, slightly surprised who gave the gift.
"Thank you Punz." He was glad Punz was being nice now.

"Thank you Punz." Zuma nuzzled the blanket happily.
"I like it."

Punz shrugged, leaning against the wall.
"Of course."

"I'm gonna go get my medication from downstairs, can you watch the pups." George carefully held the two sleeping newborns.
"It's starting to wear off."

Dream nodded, carefully picking up the two.
"Mhm.. I'll watch them.." he cradled the two.
"God.. there so small."

George smiled, walking off towards the elevator.
"I'll be back." He hummed.

.: Dream POV :.

Dream yawned, leaning back.
"God, my back." He stretched carefully, making sure not to wake the small ones.
"I really need to lay down."

Zuma looked around, smiling- everyone was here- except a few people.
"Where did mama go..?" He looked over at dream, whining.

"He went to grab something." Dream sat up straight, seeing zuma wander up to him.
"He will be back soon and we can head home."

"Is the bad man here..." Zuma grasped dreams knee, whining.
"He's scary." He shook his head.

"Yes.. foolish is here- but-" Dream was cut off when there was a giant bang, startling him and everyone around.

He quickly stood up- holding the pups tightly.

Everyone looked around shocked.

"What the hell?" Sapnap furrowed his brows, walking over.
"Was that a gun shot?"

"Ponk- take the pups and take them somewhere safe." Dream held the two now wide awake newborns, looking as if there gonna cry.
"I need to find George."

Ponk quickly held the two small ones.
"What happened??" He looked up at Dream in shock.
"Is there someone breaking in??"

"I don't know but I need to find George." Dream was about to run off to look for the omega, but zuma grabbed his hand.

"Im scared." Zuma whined, holding dreams hand.

Dream quickly crouched down.
"Zuma.. I need you to be brave and go with ponk- I need to go find your mother..." he rubbed zumas cheek.
"You gotta protect your siblings."

Zuma nodded, looking over at ponk.

Dream quickly ran in the direction George went, grabbing his silence pistol from his hidden holster.... He always needs to be prepared in case.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now