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.: Dream POV while George was outside:.

Dream sat in between Sapnap and Wilbur while everyone else got drunk but him.

"Cmon dude~ live a little." eret hummed, holding the bottle in the air for Dream.
"Just a sip?"

"I'm sorry but no- I have a family I need to look out for, I'm not getting drunk." Dream held his hand up, signalling him that he passes on the offer.
"I don't want to drink and I need to be responsible." He growled to the drunken beta.

Eret shrugged before taking a sip.
"Your loss~" he hummed happily.

Dream just sighed, pulling out his phone too check some emails that he's gotten.

"Who's turn is it next??" Wilbur held up the bottle for spin the bottle.
"Who's saying there deepest darkest secrets~"

Dream just rolled his eyes before standing up, sliding his phone away into his pocket.
"I have no time for games.. I need to go check on my mate." He broke away from the group, walking towards the front door.
"I need to make sure he's okay.." his instincts are telling him to go and protect him.

As he was about to open the door- Punz bursted in, storming past Dream.

"I'm stealing clothes." Punz spat, storming pass Dream.. slush covering the betas back- he smelt like wet dog.
"And fuck you,"

"What the fuck..?" Dream watched as Punz stormed off... why was he so pissy."

"Don't mind him, he's moody right now." Ponk hummed, walking past Dream happily.

"Thanks for having us over Dream." Sam smiled, giving the alpha a respected nod.
"And congrats for the up coming pup."

"Uh- thanks..? And your welcome...?" Dream looked confused, watching the two make there way towards the living room.
"Yeah- everyone in the living room drunk.." he muttered.

"Daddy!" Someone got the alphas attention,

Dream soon looked forward in a hurry and saw his mate and kid standing there, covered in snowflakes.

George chuckled softly, holding the smaller up and making sure he won't fall.
"Zumas been wanting to spend time with you." He smiled, looking up at the alpha happily.

Dream had a small sigh of relief, walking up to the omega.. thank god he's okay.
"I got worried so I wanted to check on you.." he carefully rested his hand on his cheek, rubbing his thumb softly across his cold freckled cheek.

"We are fine Dream.. we were just playing in the snow." George nuzzled under dreams chin before walking inside, passing the blonde.
"I'm gonna feed zuma first.. he's hungry."

"Wait!-I'm coming!" Dream shut the door and followed George and zuma... he did not want to go back into that living room.. hell no.

"If your following me then go and get zumas snacks from the kitchen, I'm gonna go grab bunny with zuma." George carefully slid off his shoes, crouching down to the floor and placing zuma on his feet.
"I want to put zuma to bed." He unbuttoned zumas jacket, carefully sliding it off him.
"And he doesn't sleep without bunny."

"Bunn-y" Zuma gasped, holding his arms in the air expecting bunny.

"We are going to get him love." George kissed zumas forehead, Zuma nodded in reply.
"Do I meet you upstairs with zumas food..? Cause I don't think it's a good idea feeding him down here." Dream looked in the living room, seeing the half drunk betas- continuing to drink.

"Yeah- that's much more smarter." George nodded, quickly sliding off his jacket.
"I'm gonna kill Sapnap for this." He grumbled, hanging his jacket it up, picking up zuma carefully.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now