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Dream looked over, seeing Phil.... He looked angry... why? Sure they came in unannounced, but he shouldn't be mad... or well- this mad..?

"A word." Phil glared at the other alpha.
"Outside." He didn't want to disturb George and the pups.

George gave a worried glance towards the blonde alpha next to him.
"Dream...?" He tried reaching for him.

"I'll be right back honey..." Dream carefully placed the two younger pups next to george, the two quickly snuggling into the omegas side.
"I just need to talk to Phil..." he walked towards Phil.
"Niki, please watch George."

Niki nodded.
"Of course." She sat down on a lounger, smiling... she had too Anyways- not like she's complaining, George is amazing to talk too.
"I'll gladly watch him."

George had an unimpressed look.. this again.

"Let's go."
Phil made his way out of the room, Dream soon following.

George was confused, why was Phil upset...?
"Is Phil gonna hurt Dream?" He weakly glanced over, having a scared look.

"Phil??" Niki looked shocked but soon shook his head.
"He wouldn't hurt a fly!" She giggled, shaking his head.
"Well... he would- he definitely would- But! He wouldn't hurt Dream."

George grew anxious, carefully placing his arm around the two pups whilst zuma cuddled next to him.
"I don't... want him to be- alone." He tried sitting up.
"I should help."

"There only talking George, an agreement I guess you could say" Niki walked over to George, putting his hand in front.
"Here you need your medicine." She carefully grasped a small cup with different pills in it.
"Pain relief medication... it will help."

George nodded, carefully grasping the small cup.
"Thank you..." he quickly took the medication, swallowing the pills.

Zuma carefully tucked himself under the blankets, getting comfortable.
"Hi mama" he looked up, he wanted attention.

"Hi zumie." George quickly looked down, ruffling zumas hair weakly.
"How are you..."

"I..pad?" Zuma didn't know the words.. but he wanted his tablet.

Before George could speak- Niki did for him.

"zuma could use one of my tablets... I have one laying around.. i have a few for work in different places." Niki lightly grasped the iPad, picking it up.
"He might be less bored then..." he held it over to George.

George carefully took the tablet.
"He would like this- thank you so much..." he handed it to zuma.
"Say thank you to Niki darling"

Zuma gasped, gladly grasping the iPad.
"Thank you mama... thank you- n.. na.. nik.." he looked over at Niki, struggling with her name.

"Niki." George lightly chuckled, nuzzling the pups cheek.
"It's okay darling- you don't need to force it." He smiled.

"Thank you Niki!" Zuma smiled, looking back at the tablet- tapping it.

Niki smiled, sitting back down.

After about 20 minutes or so of George watching zuma play on his tablet.- Dream walked back in.

"Pack everything up." Dream walked back in, pointing at George.
"We are going!" He smiled.

George had a puzzled look.. what..?
"What?? What's going o-" he was cut off by the alpha.

"We are heading to Florida." Dream rested his hands on his hips, having a proud look.
"We are leaving tonight" he pointed to the ground.

"WHAT?" Niki and George stared at Dream in disbelief.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now