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Dream paced back and forth- waiting for Hannah to let him in to see George.
"Oh my god-" he ran his fingers through his hair stressfully.
"Hurry up"

"Calm down." Hannah sighed, walking out of the room.
"I put him on pain medication- but he's still very sore."

"Can you please just let me go in!" Dream turned to Hannah- on the last strands of his sanity.
"I need to see if he's okay-"

"Keep your tone low- he may have a concussion." Hannah sighed, holding her clipboard tightly.
"And do not argue with him." She stepped aside, pointing at him.

Dream quickly made his way towards the door, quietly- but quickly entering the room.
"George..." his eyes widened- seeing the omega on the bed.

.: George and Dream POV :.

George laid on the bed- covered head to toe with bandages- he crashed hard into the concrete.

"Oh- George... love-" Dream quickly made his way over next to george.
"Are you okay?!" He kept a quiet tone, gently cupping under George's head, lifting him up slightly.

George looked up, seeing Dream.
"Why are you here- Hannah said she wouldn't contact you-" he blinked, confused.

"I contacted her- I contacted everyone to find you." Dream had a small sigh of relief.
"Hannah told me what happened- are you oka-

He was cut off when George moved his head back.

"That hurts." George winced, moving his head back- whining.. he didn't want to move his head.. it just hurt.

"I'm sorry-" Dream crouched down next to george.
"I'm so sorry this happened- if I just put my work aside for a few minutes..." his eyes softened, running his fingers through his hair.

"It's fin-" George was cut off by the alpha.

"No- it's not! You got hurt!" Dream kept a soft yet firm voice.
"I was working so hard- I didn't even notice you or your feelings for weeks- I understand why your upset.. I was so caught up in work- I forgot our anniversary." He rested his hand on George's cheek.
"The most important day.."

George just stared at Dream- seeing how upset he was, it made him realize how much Dream did care

Dream started to tear up.
"I'm so sorry- Just please.. don't even do this again." He rested his head on George's chest, sobbing.
"When Hannah told me what happened- I thought I lost you-"

George was confused.
"Why did you come though..?" He mumbled- wincing a little.
"Didn't you have work?"

"I came Because I was worried George! I'm always worried for you! Ever since what happened with Schlatt and Aiden- I've always been worried on letting you go out alone! I don't want that happening to you ever again." Dream clutched the side of George's bed, choking back a sob.

Dreams always been worried for George- it's why he always wants someone there with him.. so he could be safe- and in contact.

George softly smiled, putting his hand on his stomach.
"Ow-" his head pounded.

"How is the pup?! Are they still in good condition- do I need to take you to the emergency for anything?" Dream quickly perked his head up- getting overly paranoid.
"Do you need anythin-"

Before George could answer, someone else did.

"The pup... or well- .... is just fine, George landed on his left side thigh... which caused him to tumble quite a bit." Hannah walked in, flipping through her clip board.
"But he protected his stomach durning the fall which most likely is the reason the pup is fine- but keep an eye for any symptoms."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now