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"SERIOUSLY??" Dream stood behind his desk, looking over at Sapnap with a pissed off look.
"Can that stupid omega ever listen, for once!" He lightly smacked his desk.
"I need to talk to him."

"He already made plans with Karl." Sapnap shrugged, looking out the window.. he wanted outside too
"And he's probably sick of this all- or just miss his nest.... He's stressed, a lot has happened"

Dream huffed.
"Oh my god" He walked past Sapnap.
"when will that omega realize I did this for us to be safe!... he Better still be in his room."

Sapnap was puzzled.. eh- might as well take the pups out into the beach.
"Yeah, I'm not dealing with this." He shook his head.

.: George POV :.

George walked down the steps, tapping the sand to see if it was hot.
"Wow..." he looked over at the view... he's never seen a view like this.

"Cool right!" Karl quickly ran to the water.
"It's been so long since I've been to the beach." He walked into the water, standing knee deep.

"I've never been to the beach..." George mumbled, looking down at the sand.
"I've always been kept inside." He sat down, feeling the sand as he did so.
"Well I choose too as-well."

Karl smiled, looking back at George.
"The beach is peaceful." He hummed.
"And calming!"

Before George could speak, he was cut off- who was it..?

"Mama!" Zuma stumbled in the sand, running up to George.

George quickly turned, realizing who it was.
"Zuma!" He gladly hugged the pup.
"I missed you baby.. sorry I was gone for so long."

Zuma nuzzled George's chest, happily smiling.
"I missed you too mama" he smiled, looking up at George.
"Don't go.."

"Sorry- I thought it would be nice to bring them out." Sapnap carried Elio and tallie to George, placing them in front of him.
"Dreams looking for you by the way." He looked behind him.

George growled, grumbling under his breath.
"Greatttt..." he scrunched his nose, he can't even have sometime to cook down.
"Now I have to deal with that alpha again"

Elio and tallie were both confused as they stared at the sand.. they had no idea what the fuck this substance was.

Tallie lightly grabbed a handful of sand a threw it directly into Elio's face.

Elio whined as his face got covered in sand, thankfully not in his eyes.

"Tallie, don't be mean- that's your brother." George looked over.
"Don't throw sand in Elio's face." He dusted Elio's face off.
"It's rude."

Tallie giggled, but she did stop throwing sand.

Elio sneezed soon after, a few sand particles flying off..
"Bla" he shook his face.

Zuma was just.. unimpressed- how was he related to them.

George smiled, enjoying his time with the pups... it was nice... but it didn't last long.


George had an unimpressed look, placing zuma down.
"What..? I'm enjoying my time with the pups." He glared back at Dream.
"What is it..? I told Sapnap to tell you I'm busy"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now