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This series is getting close to coming to an end :0

A few more chapters till The ending ☺️

And I'm not very proud of this chapter but meh- the next chapter is what matters.


Dream sat down in his chair, tapping his desk.
"This better be a good damn reason to wake be up." He huffed, sitting up straight with annoyance.
"Now, what is it.... It better be good for waking my family up with such disturbance."

Sapnap had an anxious look, glancing at bad and skeppy before back at Dream.
"This isn't exactly easy to explain... but." He stuttered, nervous how Dream is going to react to the news.
"Well- uh- how do I.."

"Get it out already!! I'm exhausted." Dream was already pissed off as it was... he didn't want to get more mad.
"Before I get even more fucking mad and beat the shit out of you" he rested his hand on the table.

"Ace found out our location." Sapnap looked down, speaking up.
"And she is planning on bringing some... friends a long- to finish this." He held out a piece of paper.
"Once and for all... the final."

Skeppy and bad stood anxiously behind- they didn't want to get in trouble.

Dream took the paper, reading it.... It was a note from 'ace' letting them know what's going on. I'm
"Tch.." he put it down.
"This is a joke..? Right...? She can't have possibly found us so fast?!"

Bad glanced at skeppy before looking at Dream, frowning.
"No..." he mumbled, playing with his hands.
"There coming after a certain something though."

Dream rolled his eyes- how long will this take.
"I swear to god.. if it's about the ring and that stupid omega trafficking-" he lightly hit his desk.

Bad was anxious on speaking anymore- he didn't want Dream to snap at him..

Skeppy rolled his eyes, walking up.
"There after George and that little pup of yours I think." He held his hand down to zumas height.
"The one about this tall- his name starts with a Z or something."

Dream felt his stomach drop- that is not good.
"And are they looking for us at our old location..?" He cocked a brow.. trying to keep his cool as he brought back to topic.

"They know we are here..." bad mumbled, glancing at Dream with a scared look.
"She has people everywhere.... She isn't dumb." He glanced at Sapnap.
"She's coming- she wants to finish what George has started."

Dream quickly ran his hand through his hair.
"This isn't fucking good... not fucking good at all..." he mumbled to himself, looking at his desk.
"We have to get them out of here now.."

Sapnap gripped his shirt sleeve, he didn't know what to do.

"Sapnap." Dream said firmly, looking up at his closest friend.
"I need you to do something for me." He stood up, leaning over his desk.
"It's important."

"Yes Dream...?" Sapnap had a worried looked- he didn't know what Dream was planning.
"What is it..?" He walks in front of dreams desk.
"What do you need me to do."

"You know the old house." Dream furrowed his brows, tapping his desk.
"And you know which one I'm looking all about." He said firmly.

Sapnaps eyes widened.
"You mean-" he was.. a little shocked.... Dream hasn't mentioned that place in years.
"There....? Are you sure..?"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now