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Welp- no more wholesome moments.

The five happily drove home- all comforted by one another's presence.

The three pups were asleep in the back seat, all buckled up and cozy with there plushies while the alpha and omega sat in the front.

"God.. that was exhausting." Dream yawned, driving along the road calmly.
"I didn't expect to be there for so long." He glanced in the rear view mirror.

"Me neither." George glanced in the side mirror- seeing a car.. it's been following them for about 20-30 minutes.
"Those people have been following us for awhile." He looked back at Dream, having a worried expression.
"It's worrying me."

"I know." Dream stared in the rear view mirror.
"They might just be going the same place we are" He gripped the wheel.. it was fairly late at night- and no one else was out... but them- and that car.
"Just by chance."

George blinked- but before he said a word.. a bullet fired and shot the back of the cars window.
"What the?!"

The pups were startled awake- looking confused.

Zuma whined, looking around- he had no clue what happened.

Elio and tallie were shocked- they didn't understand what was going on.

"Get in the back." Dream quickly grabbed a silenced pistol from the dashboard compartment, handing it to George.
"Go- make sure the pups are okay." He quickly passed the green light.
"And keep them safe."

Dream couldn't exactly risk running a red light with the pups... it's one thing risking himself to speed across a red light... but with George and the pups- he couldn't.

George quickly unbuckled his seat belt, grabbing the gun and carefully making his way into the back seat with the pups.
"Don't hit the breaks- I don't want to hit the pups.."

Dream grabbed a hand gun from the compartment and quickly sped up the car-
"Careful George- cause I need to be quick." He placed the gun next to him before typing into the dashpad, having a gps of the area open.

George nodded, leaning himself against the door- making sure he can protect the pups.
"God! Can't we have one day! Just one!! Where we can spend it as a family! But nooo- SOME RUDE PEOPLE DECIDE TO RUIN IT!"

Dream didn't respond- he was too focus trying to get away.
"Hang on- I'm swerving the car." He swerved the car- faintly.... But of course- the truck still followed, having a guns man in the passenger side window.

George nearly fell back- but kept himself up.
"Jesus-" he looked out the window- hearing the faint sounds of motorcycles....

Whoever this was... wanted them dead- was it halo? Or ace...?

But either way..Elio soon began to cry- he had no clue what was going on and it scared him.

"Is Elio okay?!" Dream tried glancing back- but had to focus on the road.
"Did he get hurt?!" He began to panic a tad bit.
"Is the pups alright..?"

George pulled himself next to Elio.
"Shhh... it's okay." He cupped Elio's cheeks, rubbing his thumbs softly on the pups under eyes.
"I'm here.... He's just scared."

Elio sniffled, rubbing his eyes... but before he cried more- tallie held out a bee plushie.
"Ba!" He smiled, grabbing the bee plush.

Tallie wasn't as scared as Elio was, but she wanted him to not be scared.
"Ba! Ba!" She giggled, shaking the bee plushie faintly.

George looked over at tallie, smiling softly.
"Thank you tallie." He nuzzled the twins foreheads soon after.
"Make sure to keep your siblings safe zum-"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now