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Dream sped down the road, glancing in the rear view mirror every so often.
"Where the fuck is he." He mumbled, speeding down the road.
"It's been 30 minutes.. and no sign- of anyone.."

After driving for a bit longer- a familiar car drove next to him.

Dream glanced over, seeing the raven haired man.
"Finally!" He scoffed, rolling down his window faintly.
"Is George with you?!"

"No..? Where's George??" Sapnap glanced around.
"And it seems like the cars are gone from your trail." He had a confused look.

Dream felt tense.
"I don't know." He stared forward, trying to get any sign of George.
"God... where is he.."

"Let's get back to base." Sapnap nudged his head over.
"Everyone's scouting the area."

"Do you think George made it back?" Dream looked back at the pups, they were more relaxed now.. sleeping calmly.

"I don't think so" Sapnap shook his head, giving Dream a soft look.

Dream stared at the wheel.... Maybe he is..?

.: Time Skip: when Dream gets to the base:.

Dream held the three pups in his arms, walking through the front door.
"George...?" He softly spoke, looking around.
"Are you here..?"

"Oh!" Phil peaked around the corner.
"Welcome back dream." He gave a soft hum, nodding lightly.
"We heard what happened."

"Have you seen George..? Has he returned??" Dream had a hopeful look, hoping George made it before him.

Phil shook his head.
"No- he has not" he crossed his arms, looking at the pups.
"You should rest near the front door.. he should be here soon."

Dream lightly nodded- instantly disappointed.
"Cmon pups.. let wait for mama to return" he sat down at the lounger- holding the pups carefully.

The three snuggled into dream.

Dream happily smiled- before he glanced up.
"George- please return home." He sighed, shaking his head.

.: Time Skip :. 2 hours later.

Dream paced around, he was stressed... very stressed out- George hasn't returned back in almost 3 hours.
"Where the fuck is he." He growled, walking back at forth.

The pups were all cuddled on the lounger- sleeping comfortably.

Zuma slept on the bottom of the pile while he let tallie and Elio sleep on his back- having a blanket over top them.

Dream looked back at the pups.
"God.. he better not have done anything ruthless." He sighed.
"I can't be losing him.."

As he was about to sit down- the door opened- getting his full attention.

George stretched his arms walked in- cover in cuts and scratches.
"God- my back." He yawned, rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry I'm late."

"Oh my god-"
Dream quickly made his was over towards George.
"Oh my fucking god-" he pulled the omega into a tight hug.

"ow-" George lightly chuckled, shocked by the tight hug.
"I missed you too Dream." He hummed happily.

"WHAT WERE YOU FUCKING THINKING?!" Dream pulled away from the hug, lightly grabbing George's arms and shaking him.

"I got them off your trail didnt I?" George lightly giggled, looking up at Dream.
"You and the pups are safe." He lightly nodded, weakly chuckling.

Dream looked at all George's wounds.
"What happened.." he cupped George's cheeks, tilting his head up.
"Are you okay??"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now