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Let me know what would you like in this story! I'll probably add most of them.

Also I'm sorry if you guys message me and I don't see it! It's hard to see messages on Wattpad since I turn off my notifications because of school-

Wholesome chapter.

Dream yawned as he stretched his back, being mindful of the omega and child leaning against him.
"George...?' He rubbed his eyes to see if George was awake.

George was still out cold.. he must have been tired...

Zuma was snuggled into George's arms.. having a small bit of drool dribble out of his mouth.

As Dream was about to fall asleep again Sapnap walked in.

"DREAM!" Sapnap yelled at the top of his lungs.

"SH- shut the fuck up!" Dream perked his head up as he aggressively whispered back at Sapnap.
"There sleeping-!" He growled at the clueless beta.

"Yeah yeah- Whatever- it's snowing outside! It's like knee deep already!" Sapnap gasped as he clapped his hands like a child... fucking hell.

Dream just looked at Sapnap unimpressed..
"You- you came down here.. yelling- because there's snow...?" He furrowed his brows.

Sapnap nodded.
"Well yeah but- Mostly cause I'm here to tell you most of us are all going out so it's just going to be you three here." He stretched his arms up behind his head.

"Okay- I don't care..go away.." Dream waves Sapnap off as he laid back on the couch, leaning into George again.. taking in the omega sweet sent again.

"Ass." Sapnap grumbled before walking back into the elevator.
"Do you need a pack of tampons or some shit-"

"Sapnap, I will fucking kill you if you decide to test my patients" Dream growled as he glared over at Sapnap.

"Okay- Okay- sheeesh... anger issues." Sapnap grumbled before making his leave.

Dream just hummed as he nuzzled into George.

"Mhm... Dream..?" George mumbled as he rubbed his eyes as he looked up at Dream with half lidded eyes.. a small smile creeping up his face.

"Good morning darling.." Dream had a tired smile as he kissed George's forehead.

"What was that about." George perked his head up faintly, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes.

"Sapnap just came to inform me that it snowed during the night- well morning..." Dream shrugged as he settled his head back down, getting comfortable again.

George had a small gasp.
"It snowed! Can we go outside then!" He lightly shook Dream as he perked up, zuma faintly rolling a bit.

"What...? But we just woke up..? Plus zuma is still asleep-" as Dream spoke zuma looked up and made a happy noise.
"Never mind..."  he hummed.

"Pleaseee.." George whined as he shook Dreams arm.

Dream groaned.
"Fine.. but dress warm... and also dress zuma warm as well.."he pinched the bridge of his nose.

George walked out into the knee deep snow, holding zuma carefully above the snow.
"I haven't been out in snow for so long!" He gasped at the beautiful sight... the garden covered in the glistening white substance.

Dream just shrugged.
"It's more annoying to do missions in.." he slid his hands into his dark grey trench coat.

George just hummed as he looked up at the sky, watching the snowflakes fall from the sky.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now