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George smiled as he sat in the shade, watching the three pups as they played in the sand.
"Cute." He giggled, watching as zuma dug in the sand.
"Careful Elio"

Zuma dug in the sand, tallie and Elio trying to help... but Elio kept falling into the hole- cause tallie kept shoving him.

Elio whined as he tried crawling out, but was stuck- covered in sand.

"Mama- Elio fell again..." zuma whined, looking over at George.

George couldn't help but laugh, watching Elio trying to get out of the small hole... he was the runt put of the three after all.
"Careful Elio, that's your third time falling." He picked up the pup and placed Elio next to tallie.
"You don't want sand in your eyes."

Dream would be laughing his head off if he was here.. but he wasn't, he was probably in his office planning his next mission.

Zuma continued digging.. he didn't know why- but he just was, it was fun to dig in the sand with his siblings... other then when Elio falls in.

George glanced back at the mansion... huh- this seems... bigger.
"I never noticed the mansion."

( picture this but much much bigger near a beach- I couldn't find any photos I liked

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( picture this but much much bigger near a beach- I couldn't find any photos I liked.)

George looked down at the beach, seeing Karl and Sapnap having a nice time in the water... he didn't want to ruin that.
"Are you three hungry." He looked at the three.
"We can go get food.."

Zuma looked over, nodding.
"Hungry..." he frowned, he was quite hungry- same with tallie and Elio.

George carefully picked up the baby pups, resting them on his shoulders.. even if it did hurt his burns- he had to feed them.
"Let's go zuma." He nudged his head.
"Let's find something for you too eat."

Zuma stood up, walking over to George.
"Okay mama.." he smiled, grasping onto his hoodie rim.
"I follow.."

George soon walked off, zuma following after him- well holding onto him.


George walked around the mansion, trying to find where the hell the kitchen was.
"What the hell, where is the kitchen??" He looked around... this place was a maze.
"God... I hate this place."

Zuma was equally lost, he doesn't know where anything is.
"Mama... where are we?" He looked at all the furniture.

"I have no clue.." George continued walking- where the hell was the kitchen???
"Wait-" he quickly walked through a doorway, finding the kitchen.
"Here we are! Finally we found the kitchen."

Elio and tallie both whined, looking over George's shoulder.

Zuma quickly followed after George, having a happy gasp.. finally-

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now