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.:Only a lil angst:.

George laid in the back seat, Zuma sleeping next to him peacefully-

Dream smiled, glancing in the rear view mirror.
"You know- he's been crying every night when you were gone." He wanted George to feel a little happy- not that zuma cries every night without him.

"Why?" George rubbed his eyes, looking over at Dream.
"He shouldn't cry.." he brushed the hairs out of zumas face.

"Because he stays with you every night." Dream  turned his view towards the road.
"Every time he goes to sleep- he always climbs in bed with you- then when he wakes up he comes to me for some reason."

Zuma was basically engulfed by the blanket, only a little bit of him visible.
"Mama." He mumbled, kneading his hands.

"Why doesn't he sleep with you?" George adjusted zuma, holding him gently.
"He doesn't have to sleep with me" he frowned a little.

"He probably feels safe with you- since uh... I may have dropped him when he was sleeping once." Dream awkwardly chuckled, sliding down in his seat.
"When he was younger- it probably traumatized him-"

George quickly sat up- not caring for the pain in his body right there and then.
"How much younger dream?! He's just learned how to talk?!"

Dream just awkwardly laughed.
"A.. few months.. ago..?" He glanced in the rear view mirror- seeing how upset George was.

"HE IS ALMOST A YEAR OLD!" George snapped, holding zuma.
"Your not holding zuma or our new baby again!"

"It wasn't my fault!" Dream huffed, looking forward- not wanting to admit it was.

George had an unimpressed look- glaring at Dream.

"Well- maybe a little?" Dream awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.
"I didn't notice him sleeping on my leg! So when I stood up he fell!"

"Don't ever try and get pregnant with me again- you are never holding a child in your life again." George growled, resting his hand on zumas back.
"Ow!-" he felt his body sting.

"George! Lay down- you will hurt yourself!" Dream kept his gaze forward.

"Your lucky your driving or I would have beat your ass." George growled- he did not trust this alpha anymore.
"He could have gotten hurt!" He rubbed zumas back.

"Yeah well- this was during the time you were kidnapped." Dream kept his gaze forward- keeping an eye on the road.

George grumbled under his breath before laying down.
"Can we go home." He muttered- wanting to just lay in his nest.

"Didn't you want McDonald's? It's just around the corner..?" Dream slowed the car slightly, looking in the rear view mirror.
"I know zuma wants some yogurt."
(I fucking despise yogurt)

George sighed, nodding.
"Okay- but then I want to head home.. I miss patches." He turned his back to dream, carefully holding zuma.

Dream furrowed his brows.. George's mental state wasn't any better then it was.
"Hey... George..?" He spoke softly.

"Mhm.." George lightly responded back.
"Yes?" He looked down at zuma.

"Are you okay..? Like- mentally..? I can get you a therapist if you wan-" Dream was cut off by the omega soon after he spoke,

"I don't want a therapist, I'm just sore and tired." George winced, stretching his legs.
"Crashing on a motorcycle is not fun." He growled at the alpha.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now