.: 19 :.

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Sorry for the lack of posting! Schools just been really busy recently!! But I am still working on chapters!!

Dream stretched his back as he continued cutting up fruit, glancing over at the living room ever so often- checking on his family while he was making lunch for George and zuma.

George was sat on the ground, playing with zuma.
"Your so smart!" He ruffled zumas hair proudly.

Zuma giggled as he put the large puzzle together.
"Happy!" He gasped, looking at the completed puzzle.

George smiled, tangling his fingers in zumas hair... cute..
"Hey Dream! are we gonna head back to town anytime soon?" He looked over at his mate, tilting his head to the side.

Dream just looked over at George confused.
"No- not that I know of? Why? Do you want to go?" He cocked a brow.

"Well- since it's almost Christmas- I'd like to get some gifts for everyone... unless you don't celebrate Christmas- then we don't have too"George looked at Dream, then back down at zuma... he wanted to get zuma some nice things for Christmas... he deserves them.

Dream thought for a few moments, debating if they should.

"Hmm- that actually sounds nice- having a Christmas all together." Dream smiled at the thought... all cuddled up with his mate while zuma opened presents.
"Yeah, that's a great idea-"

"CHRISTMAS?!" Sapnap ran into the room, gasping, acting like a child.
"We haven't celebrated in years!!!" He grinned.
"Are we celebrating Christmas!!"

Dream looked over at Sapnap unimpressed.. right- he's here.
"Yes- yes we are.." he grumbled.

George gasped, soon nuzzling zuma.
"Oh! Did you hear that zuma? We are celebrating Christmas!"

Zuma just nuzzled the omega, not knowing what Christmas is.

"Also! Dream! I forgot to tell you! I invited everyone down to the cabin to party today~." Sapnap rested his hands on his hips proudly.
"No need to thank me"

"Mk..." Dream rolled his eyes before continuing to cut the fruit, not realizing what Sapnap said.
"Wait- WHAT." Until It finally clicked in his head.

"Yeah, they should be here in like.. 30 minutes to an hour." Sapnap shrugged, before his attention turned to the door, hearing a small knock.
"Or~ there here."

"SAPNAP?! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dream turned to the door, then back at Sapnap.
"I have a mate and kid I need to take care of! And I am not prepared at all!" He looked down at himself- he was shirtless and wearing sweatpants.

"Don't worry~ I got the drinks earlier this week." Sapnap grinned as he walked towards the door, flicking his wrist.
"You and George will be fine~ you guys can drink to your hearts desire~"

Dream looked at the beta pissed off.
"No we can't!, I'm not drinking!and George can't drink!" He snarled, baring his fangs a little.

Sapnap turned to dream then back at George.
"Is he pregnant?" He pointed to Dream, looking at George.
"He's awfully moody today." He muttered.

George just looked at Sapnap confused, blinking slowly.
"What?" He looked at Dream, then back at Sapnap.

Dream just gritted his teeth, looking at the beta even more pissed off.
"Sapnap, you have 5 seconds to open that door, before I take this knife and slit your god dam throat." He pointed to the door then at Sapnap.

"SHEESH- dam- you must be pregnant, mood swings." Sapnap rolled his eyes, walking towards the door.

"IM NOT THE ONE FUCKING PREGNANT." Dream snarled, hitting his hand on the table faintly, not wanting to scare zuma... he was ticked off at his friend

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now