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Final chapter 💅🏻

It's also a short chapter.


Dream laid on the limo seat.
"Fuckkk..." he gripped his side, mumbling.
"This hurts a lot- and I mean fucking a lot."

His broken rib aches in his side.

"Yeah well..Suck it up." George muttered, laying stomach down on the opposite seat.
"You didn't get fucking tackled into a glass table and nearly watched Elio lose an eye.." He whined, looking next to Dream.
"I'm sorry for sass talking I'm just in a lot of pain right now."

"Yeah yeah.. well maybe back home might be well suited for us instead of here... even though we have a beach here." Dream lightly chuckled before hissing in pain.
"Fuckkk.." he sat up, look down at the pups next to him.
"This hurts- he punched me hard."

"I see." George smiled, having a happy hum.
"Niki will fix us up.." he lightly nodded, glancing at his mate.
"She always does.."

Tallie slept peacefully like nothing happened whilst... zuma and Elio on the other hand-
they were traumatized.

Zuma whined as he had a bandage on his nose- whilst Elio hugged a small blanket.. they were traumatized on what they just witnessed and nearly dying.

George wanted to go and comfort them- but he was in pain- his back killed him.
"I can't wait to be home..." he sighed.
"And just live a happy life- all of us."

"Yeah." Dream lightly nodded.
"Niki is supposed to meet us at Phil's private Jet too tend to our wounds." He glanced up from.. Sapnap and Karl were up front with patches.

"I am not leaving the cabin room once we return for a week." George felt weak after that battle- he just needed to be patched up.
"And I am going to ignore you for an entire day and relax"

"What?! Why!" Dream had an unimpressed look.
"I didn't do anything wrong this time!" He huffed.

"Your ex, your punishment for her nearly killing the pups and me." George didn't mean it, he was just... not in the best mood.
"And I don't want you hugging me in my sleep whilst I go into heat." He mumbled, crossing his arms

"Pfft- I don't hug you in your sleep." Dream scoffed, gripping his side.
"Ow-" he regretted scoffing.

"Yeah- in your sleep you do.. you always do it, I have photos" George lightly chuckled, looking over at Dream.
"Now.. how long till we are there.. i really wanna get home." He nuzzled the seat, smiling.
"I'm excited to get home and lay in bed."

"Depends how long it takes Phil's crew to clean up the cabin..." Dreams gaze softened, his frown growing.
"Speaking of which- Ashley got killed whilst up there.... Ace got her."

George's gaze softened.
"oh..." he went quiet, looking up front- he had no words.. for ally and now Ashley.
"That's.... Terrible.. I- is patches okay...?"

Dream nodded, looking up front.
"I think patches is in the front with Karl and Sapnap..." he lightly smiled, looking over at George.
"She's fine."

George still had the sad look on his face- he was devastated over Ashley's death.

"It's okay..." Dream smiled, lightly nodding.
"She's somewhere better now." He hummed, reaching over for George's hand.
"At least you and the pups are safe now.."

George glanced over, reaching for dreams hand.
"Yeah.. at least things will be okay now.." he smiled, holding dreams hand.
"Now we can not stress and be a happy family.."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now