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I kinda was writers blocked for the story right now , sorry LOL

Dream did end up figuring out how to feed the two pups the bottles before he quietly made his way back in the bedroom, trying to get them to sleep in his arms.

He held the two, letting them sleep.
"Shhh-" he yawned, sitting at the end of the bed.
"Quiet now loves."

Zuma peaked over dreams shoulder.
"Daddy...?" He looked at the new pups, still confused.

"Yes zuma, there your siblings." Dream glanced over his shoulder.
"Now shh.. there trying to sleep." He spoke in a soft tone.
"We don't want to wake mama up."

"Mama?" Zuma turned, seeing George sleep softly on the bed.
"Awake..? Or sleep-" he nuzzled his back.

"Let him sleep zuma- he needs it." Dream carefully leaned back on the bed, laying down against the head board with the pups on his chest.
"He's been through a lot today."

Zuma crawled over, snuggling into dreams side- getting comfortable.
"Movie..?" He grasped the remote, poking Dream with it.

"Careful zuma, there sleeping." Dream held the two with one arm, grabbing the remote.
"And we will watch one movie- and only one."

Zuma gasped, looking at the tv.
"Movie!" He whispered, smiling happily.

.: George POV :. 7-8 hours later.

George mumbled, hearing a faint sound.
"Dream- go to bed.." he turned his head over to the sound.
"That's loud"

"Mama!" Zuma smiled, grabbing George's nose.
"Awake!" He nuzzled George's cheek quickly.
"Daddy! Mamas awake!"

"Good morning zuma.." George muttered, looking over.
"Why is your father still awake... has he slept..?"

"I have been stuck... watching- fucking movies for 8 hours..." Dream slowly turned to George, hold the pups calmly.
"OW-" he was cut off,

Eilo grabbed dreams hair, tugging it... he's been doing this all morning..

"STOP-" Dream tried to pull Eilo away from his hair.

Tallie grabbed Dreams eyebrow, pulling his eyebrow... and so bad Tallie.

George giggled, seeing the pups pull on dreams hair.. it made him happy.
"At least they aren't crying, they love you" he smiled.

"THIS- ISNT LOVE!" Dream tried getting the pups to stop grabbing him.
"This is harassment-"

"Here.." George gently grabbed them, pulling them to his chest.
"Awww.. you put them in little onesies." He looked at the pups In there small onesie.
"They look like zuma when he was younger."

Zuma laid down on George's legs, tugging on the blanket.
"Can we go home..?" He whined, missing his plushies at home.
"I miss home.."

George glanced up at Dream, it was his call.. he drives.

"Let's wait a few days.. your in no shape to go- Ashley is taking care of patches and setting up the nursery." Dream fully laid down, turning to face George.
"Do you think I can use my laptop..? Just for some emails."

George nodded.
"As long as your here I don't mind if you work.." he held the two pups against his chest, removing the blanket from the two.

Dream grabbed his laptop, placing it on his lap.
"If you need anything, tell me." He sat up, opening the laptop.
"I'll get it for you immediately"

"Mhm." George nodded, looking at the two new borns.
"Alright, thank you..." he adored the two pups.

Tallie was a faint dirty blonde with bluish green eyes- she was so small... while Eilo was a brunette with blonde tints in his hairand two different coloured eyes.. a green and blue one- he must have got Georges Heterochromia.

Dream started typing on his laptop, humming.
"God- I have so much work..." he mumbled, shaking his head.
"It's all worth it to spend time with you."

"Daddy!" Zuma pushed himself up, walking over to Dream.

"Hello zuma." Dream smiled, continuing to type.
"I'm just working right now." He glanced down at the screen.

Zuma crawled over to Dream.
"Work-ing?" He rested his hands on top of the laptop.

"Yes zuma~ I am working." Dream continued typing, looking up.
"Yes you can help.. just Be careful not to-"

Zuma accidentally pushed the laptop back- breaking the crease of the screen.

"Lean down..." Dream stared at his now black screen laptop... well-shit..

Zuma whined, seeing what he did.
"I'm sorry-" he began to tear up... he broke dreams laptop...

Dream let out a small chuckle, putting the broken laptop on the side.
"It's alright zuma- it's my mistake not upgrading my laptop sooner." He carefully picked zuma up.
"It's okay baby.."

"I broke it..." Zuma sniffled, rubbing his eyes.
"I'm sorry daddy-" he began to whine.

"It's okay zuma." Dream nuzzled the pup.
"It was an accident." He glanced over at George- seeing him try his best not to break out into a fit of laughter.
"Shut up."

George silently laughed, letting the two pups sleep on his chest.
"Your such an idiot." He rubbed the newborns pups back.
"A pup broke your laptop."

"I will rock your shit, do not test me." Dream glared at George- it was a meaningless threat... he would never meaningfully hurt George.

"Yeah? Do it." George shot a glare back at Dream, holding the pups.
"I dare you too." He growled back, scrunching his nose.

Dream kept quite, looking down at zuma- yeah.. he couldn't say anymore.

"That's what I thought." George had a satisfying hum, he was satisfied to win the simple argument.

Dream clicked his tongue.
"I am a mafia boss, watch your tone with me." He glanced over at George.

"Yeah? I'm your fiancé that you've had three kids with me, try me." George spoke firmly, shooting a look back at Dream.
"Plus- you've gone soft~" he poke dreams thigh.

Dream grumbled, staring at the tv.
"I don't want to spend the rest of my days watching baby shows." He rubbed zumas back softly.
"I still need to do my work."

"Yeah- but you need a new laptop first." George giggled, nodding.
"Your not the best mafia boss in the world, are you."

"Apparently not." Dream sighed, shaking is head.
"But I will soon regain my place."

"Good luck." George leaned over, resting his head on dreams thigh.
"Cause you also have to manage three pups while doing so." He mumbled quietly.

"And I will~" Dream turned the tv off, letting zuma sleep peacefully on his chest.
"I just need a new laptop-" he anxiously chuckled- looking over at his broken laptop.

"Mhm.." George used dreams knee as a pillow.
"I'm gonna get some more rest... but I'd like to go in the garden later..." he mumbled quietly.

"Yes darling.." Dream leaned over, placing a kiss on the omegas cheek.
"Now get rest..." he smiled.

Zuma grabbed dreams hair, yanking him down.
"Daddy-" he yawned.

"OW-" Dream tried pulling his hair back.
"Not you too-" he whined.

George smiled... he loved this family.. more then anything.

Total word count: 1200

I had a lil writers block on this story- sorry 🥲

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now