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I'm not very proud of this chapter but whatever, here you go lmao

George yawned as he laid on the couch, watching some random cartoon..

Zuma watched happily as he sat in George's lap.. looking up at the tv with a smile across his face... he loves watching cartoons, especially with Dream or George.. it made him happy.

As George was about to fall asleep, zuma shook his chest making him perk awake- right he has to stay awake and watch zuma.

"Huh? Yes zuma?" George groggily rubbed his eyes.. trying to wake himself up, he was way too tired for this.

Zuma put his hand on his mouth.. trying to tell George he was hungry-it was still hard to say a few things for him.

George had a small giggle, it was cute watching zuma do hand movements.
"Hold on zuma, daddy's just making food right now" he groggily rubbed his eyes as his smile grew.. he loved zuma so much.

Zuma nodded faintly, glancing back at the tv happily, he was patient... not like most adults anyway-

George fluffed zumas hair as he forced himself awake.. he needed to watch zuma until Dream came back ,he wants to make sure zuma is safe-it was his instinct too make sure zuma is okay.

After around 5 minutes.. Dream walked back into the living room, he was struggling deeply as he tried holding three plates.

"Jesus- how do you make this seem so simple??" Dream complained as he stumbled over to the table, quickly placing down the plates, making sure not too drop them.

"Skill." George lightly chuckled as he sat up, holding zuma carefully in his arms.

Dream groaned as he carefully sat on the couch , sitting next to the two.
"Your a way better cook then I.." he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah, cause you get your maids too do it for you" George rolled his eyes as he got more comfortable, letting zuma crawl off him and over to Dream.

Dream nodded as he lazily leaned into the couch.. he was exhausted.
"Yeah.. I'm supposed to be working around this time, not making food." He yawned as he scratched the back of his neck, he was also so very tired..

"Yeah well your doing something better! Your spending time with family." George cheerfully smiled, reaching over for his plate..

Dream had a deep chuckle, nodding in agreement, he'd prefer this then working
"This is much better.." he patted zuma on the head before kissing him faintly on the cheek.
"Much more better."

George giggled as he picked the fork off his plate, he was excited for his meal.
"Well thank you for the meal."

"It might not be that good-" Dream gladly admitted if his food was shit- he has no cooking skills whatsoever ever.
"So sorry if it isn't." He hummed happily.

George shrugged, taking a bite of his and looking back up at the tv.
"It's your turn to feed zuma by the way.."

Dream had a faint nod before picking up the plastic blue spoon off zumas plate- he just put warm apple sauce on his plate since- that was one of zumas favourites.
(Like not room temperature apple sauce- like warmish' hot apple sauce- it's good ;c )

Zuma made a happy gasp before taking a bite off the spoon..

Dream had a happy hum.. he never expected to have a family- especially one with a male omega.

Of course he was glad it was George- if it was anyone else.. he probably would have ended up not caring enough to protect them.. George is the only one in his heart worth enough saving.. and zuma of course..

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now