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George happily laid on the bed, watching the childrens movie.
"What a peaceful day it has been" he spoke to himself, glancing at the pups. I'm
"Don't you think...?"

Elio and tallie whined as they heard repeated clicking noice, making them unable to sleep... it was annoying them as they tried to sleep peacefully.

George glanced at the pups before looking at the end of the bed- Dream was working most likely.
"Hold on loves.." he mumbled, climbing across the bed.
"I'll try and get him to stop typing loudly."

Zuma just focused on the tv, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

George peaked over the edge, seeing Dream lean against the bed whilst typing into the keyboard.
"Dream" he looked down, humming faintly.

Dream glanced up, tilting his head at the omega.
"Yes..?" He spoke softly, a little confused why George was talking to him.
"Did something happen..?"

"I'm not saying this because I hate you working right now- But may I politely asking you to uh... type quieter..?" George didn't know how to put that politely, he just wanted everyone to be happy.

"Sorry I'll be more quiet- am I bugging you by typing..?" Dream anxiously chuckled, looking at the laptop before looking back up.
"Sorry-" he hummed.

"No, your not bugging me- I'm used to you working." George shook his head, glancing back.
"But Elio and tallie are unable to sleep.." he frowned.

"I'll keep it down." Dream nodded, closing his laptop.
"How's zuma..?" He hummed, smiling.
"Am I keeping him up as well...? Or is he asleep."

George glanced back, seeing zuma burritoed in a blanket- tiredly watching a movie.
"Yeah.. he's trying to sleep.... I think..?" He lightly chuckled.
"Or he's trying to finish the movie."

"Probably both." Dream sat up, closing his laptop.
"So am I allowed on the bed..? Or am I still on the floor..?" He hummed.

"No." George shook his head, making his way back to Dream.
"You can stay on the floor." He laid back down next to the pups.
"I'm still mad you, you know that..?"

"Fair enough." Dream yawned, leaned back.
"I'll just sit here." He sighed.

"By the way." George hummed, tilting his head.
"Can I spend 3000$..?" He smiled.
"It's very important."

"Depends on what..?" Dream looked at George in a lil shock- George doesn't usually spend much money.
"You have been quite rude recently."

"I wanna get this for the pups for the backyard." George held up his phone, quickly typing it before showing Dream the phone.
"It's quite big... but I thought they would enjoy it since we can't take them anywhere for a little.

Dream instantly nodded.
"Yes, they would enjoy that." He liked how George liked to spoiled the pups.
"Oh fuck.."

Dream just realized something- something very.. very.. very bad.

"What..?" George furrowed his brows.
"Did you forget something..?"

"No more cake pops-" Dream gave George an anxious look.
"Unless there is a place there" he mumbled.
"There is none I know of-"

As George was about to speak- he was cut off.

"No cake pop..?" Zuma whined, tucking his head in the blanket- sounding like he was gonna cry.
"But I was good- I no mean.." he thought he was in trouble.

"Oh.. your not in trouble baby.."
George looked over, seeing zuma have a sad look.
"Don't worry zuma.. we will find a place with cake pops." He carefully picked the young one up, placing him on his lap.
"Right Dream..?"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now