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Dream held zuma close to his chest as he tucked the blanket over George.
"I'll be back soon darling." He kissed George's cheek.

George just hummed as he nuzzled into the pillow.

Dream smiled as he soon walked out of the bedroom, making his way towards the elevator.

"Tired..." zuma mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, glancing over at Dream.

"I know darling.. your mother is asleep so I have to watch you.." Dream looked over at Zuma as he walked into the elevator.

Zuma just nuzzled into dreams shoulder once more.


Dream sat down on his chair, letting zuma lay on top of his head.. nuzzling into his hair.... He knows zumas tired and he doesn't mind it.

Hannah raised an eyebrow as she stared at Dream... sitting across the table.

"Dont." Dream growled- knowing she's going to say something about zuma.
"I have to watch him."

Hannah just rolled his eyes.
"Anyways.. do you have the files and ring?" She held her hand out expecting him to give them to her.
"I need them."

Dream just scoffed... seriously??
"I'm not giving you neither.. they have nothing to do with you and the black rose mafia.." he clicked his tongue with a faint smirk

Hannah furrowed her brows.
"Puffy is my friend and she's-"

"She's my fucking mom, I think that means more then just a friend." Dream kept his tone down as zuma was asleep on top of his head.

Hannah had a faint growl.
"Dream we know whos hands it belongs in.. now hand it over." She aggressively held her hand out.

Dream just had a deep chuckle.
"Yeah.. me.." he glared at Hannah... does she really think she can come in here and demand things from me.

"I helped train your mate.. this should be a fair pay." Hannah lightly hit her hands on the table.

"You pushed him too far! He came home with cuts and bruises!" Dream growled back, being mindful of zuma.
"You will never get your hands on the ring.... Nor anything from me ever again."

Hannah huffed as she stood up.
"We will see..." she turned and made her way out of the room.

Dream huffed as he picked zuma off his head.
"Isn't she rude.." he rested Zuma carefully on his lap.

Zuma just nodded faintly.. he was tired..

"Thank god your mom isn't like her.." Dream yawned as he rested his head on his desk, having zuma lay in his lap.
"Or that would have been hell.."

Zuma just laid in Dreams lap.. falling asleep slowly as Dream rubbed his back.

Dream had a faint smile as he held zuma with one arm... the other wrapped around his head.
"Maybe a little bit of rest won't hurt.." he faintly closed his eyes..

Soon falling asleep on his desk.

.: George POV :.

George yawned as he fluttered his eyes awake..
"God.. I'm exhausted.." he sat up, stretching his back.
"Ow-" he recoiled to his lower abdomen..

Right- last night..

George carefully sat up, having a faint wobble as he walked over to the closet.

He should probably meet Dream and zuma upstairs-

George carefully slid on a hoodie and a pair of sweats.. he doesn't really need to dress fancy.. since it's his- well 'week off... mostly dream just not wanting George to work.
"Hopefully this will do!"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now