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There's a lot of time skips in this chapter so don't mind it.

Also some spicy angst, sorry

George slid his hand into Dreams as they walked down the side walk cheerfully.

Zuma made a happy noise as he look around.. he was fascinated by all the colours and people.

"This is nice." Dream smiled as he held zuma close to his chest, letting him lean over his shoulder and look around.

"Mhm!" George giggled as he held a few bags in his other hand, cheerfully walking with Dream.
"I'm having fun."

Dream looked around and spotted a small coffee shop.
"Hey- how about we get some coffee..? And zuma can get a hot chocolate."

George nodded eagerlyZ
"Yeah that sounds nice! What do you think zuma??" He looked over at zuma, which was looking over Dreams shoulder still.

"Ya!" Zuma looked over at George with excitement.

"Then I guess it's settled! Let's go get something to drink." George clutched Dreams hand as they made there way over.

The three made there way into the small cafe...

There weren't many people.. a few alphas and betas like usual.

Zuma glanced happily around, staring at all the different items.. and especially at all the treats at the front.

The three stood in line behind another couple... waiting patiently for there turn.

"Mama.." zuma poked George's shoulder, speaking very quietly.

"Yes honey..?" George looked over at zuma.

Zuma pointed to the case... towards a pink- cake pop..?
(The birthday cake flavour)

"Do you want a cake pop..?" George glanced back at the case and back at zuma.

Zuma nodded shyly.

George looked up at Dream to see if it's okay-
Since technically... he has no money.

"If that's what he wants, then of course." Dream chuckled as he held zuma with one arm, adjusting him faintly.

"Yay!" Zuma silently cheered as he nuzzled into dreams shoulder.
"Thank you daddy."  He mumbled.

Dream was struck in awe of cuteness.
"Mhm... anything for my little Angel.." he rubbed against zumas cheek.

"Aww that's so cute!" The barista awed as she looked at the two.
"What's his name..?"

Dream had a faint chuckle and George just smiled.
"His names zuma.."

George just inspected the girl visually... she's around 5'7 and a female beta.. she better not try anything.

"Aww cute name!" The barista awed once more.
"So I'm guessing he's your guys child?" He looked at George then Dream.
"Since your an omega right?" She pointed to George.

George nodded.
"Yeah-" he smiled as he looked over at zuma.

"He looks a lot like you both! I'm so happy for you two!" The barista happily clapped her hands.
"Anyways! What would you like today!"

"A vanilla mocha- a small hot chocolate... a birthday cake flavour cake pop.. and..?" Dream looked over at George seeing what he wants.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now