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Here is a semi long chapter ;w;

The five each got a wrist band once they entered the aquarium lobby..

Everyone was fine with it... but tallie-

Tallie was biting at it, trying to get it off- but she couldn't with the objects on her hands... stupid alpha dream.

"Tallie- careful, you need that for the aquarium." Dream held tallie up, rubbing tallies back.
"Don't bite it- stop it." He chuckled faintly.
"Tallie quit it."

Tallie whined as he leaned into dreams chest, hugging onto his chest- trying to hit him but did nothing to him.

George held Elio while he slept, holding zumas hand as they walked around.
"Hmm.. where should we go first?" He glanced at the map.
"The tropical fish..! Oh that would be lovely to see!

Zuma pointed at the jellyfish symbol.
(If you know, you know)

"Oh? The jellyfish..?" Dream looked at the map, holding tallie softly.
"You want to see them?" He can't remember when the last time he saw any fish.

Zuma doesn't know what they are.. he wants too.
"Ya" he was just curious.
"They look pretty.. I wanna see the jelly's!"

George softly rubbed zumas hand.
"Alright, Cmon then." He nudged his head over.
"We have a lot too look at before we see the jellyfish- as it's near the end."

Zuma glanced at Dream, holding his other hand out- he wanted to hold dreams hand as well.
"Daddy?" He glanced.

Dream gladly took zumas hand, rubbing it softly.
"Careful zuma, I have your sister." He held zumas hand.
"So I won't be able to keep up fast without scaring her."

"She's scary." Zuma looked up at tallie.. she was wearing a puffy hoodie- and look severely pissed.
"She's looks mad.."

"She's just in a bad mood cause I put small socks on her hands." Dream looked over, seeing tallie wave her arms to get them off, she was angry.
"We had an extra pair in the car and she wouldn't stop scratching me."

"You what." George looked over- and tallie in fact did have socks on her hands... why the hell..
"Dream- take them off." He sighed.
"Your just gonna make her more mad."

"No- she's going to try and rip out my hair again.." Dream shook his head- zuma already inflected a lot of damage when he dropped him.
"I'm not going bald because of a pup that has anger issues."

George rolled his eyes.
"She has the temper of an alpha." He looked over at a giant fish tank, gasping faintly.
"Oh, there's some cute fish"

Zuma let go of the twos hand and went over to the fish... he was curious.
"Woah! Mama! Fishies!" He lightly leaned against the glass, his smile growing.

George walked up to the glass, seeing a fish swim up with them.
"Aww." He smiled, watching zuma look around.
"Elio, look- fishies." He nudged the pup softly.

Elio fluttered his eyes awake, but once he look over at the tank- he puffed up... he was shook.
"A-" he made a random noise, he was scared of the fish.

George couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Elio's shocked expression.
"Shhh.." he nuzzled Elio.
"It's okay Elio."

Dream soon walked up next to george.
"Look tallie, fishy." He held tallie up.
"Aren't they cute."

Tallie looked at the big tank, she didn't look mad anymore- she was happy- yet... if they were in reach.. she'd probably try to scratch the hell out of them...

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now