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Short chapter again, I'm sorry 😭

George smiled, looking at himself in the mirror- he decided to wear something nice but also casual.

George wanted to look perfect for his.. well- basically a date- with Dream!

"You look great.." Dream leaned against the door frame, glancing over at the omega.
"You always do.. no matter what." He hummed.

George looked over, seeing Dream wearing something... casual..? That's- a first..? Is he okay?
"Your- wearing something casual."

"Yeah- does it look bad?" Dream looked down at himself, seeing if his outfit looked bad.
"I can change."

George quickly shook his head, walking over.
"No, you look good!" He stood in front of Dream, his smile growing.
"I'm just not used to you dressing casual."

"I wanted to try something new." Dream stared at his clothes.. he did feel off by wearing something new.

"Well.. I think it's rather nice." George rested his hands on dreams shoulder, smiling happily.
"It's nice seeing you in something but your blazer or button up... it makes me happy."

Dream slid his hands onto George's hips.
"Heh- yeah, I guess so." He tilted his head down, smiling.
"Would you still like to go out..?"

"Let's do something casual, cause.. I don't want to wait 3 hours for my food in a fancy restaurant." George anxiously rubbed the back of his head.
"If that's alright... we can go if you want too!"

"I don't mind what we do.. as long as we do it together." Dream held a hand out, standing up tall.
"Even if it's just watching a movie."

"Pfft- since when did you become the romantic type." George gladly took dreams hand, tilting his head to the side.
"That was so cheesy." He laughed

"Since I decided too" Dream carefully pulled George out of the room, holding his hand.
"Plus.. we need to fix that gap between us- like.. quite literally." He gave George a small twirl before continuing down the hall.

"Yeah definitely - that's my fault-" George anxiously rubbed the back of his neck.
"I've just been off." he sighed, shaking his head.

"Wanna talk about it." Dream carefully guided George down the hall.
"I'm all ears for you."

George lightly shook his head.
"Nah.. you kinda already know the Justs of it." He smiled.
"I just was stressed out most the week."

Dream had a small frown- yeah..
"Don't worry- I'll handle everythin-" he was cut off by the brunette.

"You don't need to anymore, I can help." George glanced up, giving Dream a look of comfort.
"I'm here now, I have been for awhile."

"You need to rest- you've already worked hard enough" Dream held George's hand as they walked down the stairs, hopefully he can make things like they were.
"Especially cause of this week."

"But that wouldn't be fair- you took care of zuma for 3 months when I was gone-" George followed Dream, making there way towards the front door.
"I want to return that-"

"You had a reason to be gone for those 3 months... I didn't have a reason to be gone." Dream gave George a comforting smile, rubbing his thumb softly on his hand.
"Plus.. I think there's a difference between one pup and three."

George's gaze softened, resting his head into dreams back.
"God.. I don't deserve you." He knew deep down he didn't.

"Ehh.. it's more like we don't deserve each other but we do at the same time" Dream lightly wheezed, shaking his head.
"We both have done bad things."

George could help but break into a giggle.
"I can't tell if that's offensive or not." He shook his head, giggling faintly.
"But it is true."

"Ehh.. a bit of both." Dream placed a small nuzzle on George's cheek.
"Now come on.. I wanna treat you tonight... anything you want we will do."

George smiled, tonight is the night he fixes his own mistakes.
"Alright!" He needs too.

Before the two were about to leave- they were stopped.

"Mama..?" Zuma tugged on George's shirt.
"Are you leaving..?" He whined, frowning a little.

George glanced down, smiling.
"Only for a little bit zuma" he fluffed the top of zumas head.
"Me and your dad are just going out for a little.. but once I get home- we can bake some nice cookies!"

Zuma had a small gasp, nodding.
"Is daddy gonna come back..?" He didn't want Dream leaving again.
"He can bake too!"

"Yes Zuma, I will." Dream crouched down, nodding faintly.
"I will be with your mom the entire time.. once we are back and we're done baking.. we can watch a movie!"

Zuma had a small gasp.
"Ya!" He nodded, his smile growing.
"Baking and movie with patchy!"

"We will see you later.. alright Zuma??" George nuzzled zumas cheek.
"If you miss us you can always ask Sapnap to call.... We will always answer."

"Okay mama!" Zuma hugged george, nuzzling him before walking over to hug dream.
"Bye mama! Bye daddy!" He nuzzled Dream happily.

Dream nuzzled zuma back.
"I'll bring you something back, okay?" He smiled happily.

Zuma had a happy gasp, nodding.
"Cake pop!"

"I don't think we are driving that far- but I'll see what I can do." Dream nodded, standing up straight.

"Well.. we must be off." George waved, smiling.
"Make sure your siblings don't get in too much trouble now." He walked towards the door, waving towards zuma as they left.

Zuma nodded.
"Okay mama!"

.: Dream and George POV :. Car .:.

Dream stared out the window blankly, stuck in thought... once the two got in- Dream instantly stared outside, Thinking.

George glanced over, seeing the alpha lost in thought.
"Dream..? You alright..?" He tilted his head.
"You've been staring off for a good.. 4 ish minutes."

"I'm a bad father- aren't I." Dream looked over at George, having a soft gaze.
"And please be honest."

George blinked.
"No, no I don't think so." He soon smiled, resting his hands in his lap.
"Your a great father!"

"But- I'm never here when I'm needed." Dream rested his head on the steering wheel, mumbling.
"I'm always busy.."

"But you protect us and you do make time for us." George rested his head on dreams shoulder.
"You already do so much.. you keep a roof over our head, food always in the kitchen.. you keep us safe from most harm." He nuzzled him faintly.
"I'm sorry for what I said before... I just- I was going through my mood swings and I was scared to be alone, but I realized I'm never alone."

"I should have been here! I just- I couldn't.. I was mad over something that happened in the past- and I did awful things and said awful things!" Dream lightly hit his head on the wheel.

George softly smiled.
"It's okay.. I did deserve when you yelled at me- I did kill foolish.. your brother.. heh, plus- even if that hole thing you did in that email.. it's in the past- with mating me and all- I don't care, it was so long ago! I know you love me and the pups." He placed a soft kiss on dreams cheek.
"And I'd like to fix our mistakes on everything and return to normal."

"Please." Dream nodded, frowning.
"I would love that.." he nodded.

Maybe Dream isn't such a bad father after all.

Other then being gone a week- yeah.. not that.

Total word count: 1237

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now