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We doin a little time skip where George is one month due T-T

George laid in bed, completely covered in blankets- he was in perfect comfort.
"Mm.." he stretched his legs.

"Okay- we need blankets.. extra clothes- zumas plushies-" Dream paced around, having a duffle bag at the end of the bed.
"What else.... Oh! Extra baby clothes!" He picked up random objects around the room.

"What are you doing..?" George asked again, melting into the bed.
"Your destroying the room." He yawned.

"Planning-" Dream walked back into the closet, grabbing a few items.
"We need to plan-" he muttered, scavenging the closet.

"Plan what..?" George rubbed his eyes, sitting up firmly.
"Your destroying the room- ow" He stretched his arms up... his back has been killing him all week.
"Ow my back"

"We need head back to the base near town- it will be safer there and we will be able to take you to the hospital when the time comes-" Dream walked back out of the closet, holding clothes in his arms.
"It's dangerous being so far from the hospital!"

George blinked.. seriously- this is why read got up at 7 in the morning to pack.

"We still have a month." George tilted his head to the side.
"Besides- we still have time to get to the base." He yawned again- dreams always so paranoid.

"Yes- but it will be more safer the quicker we go-" Dream wandered around, he was starting to stress out.. what if everything goes wrong?! And What if it happens early..

"Would it make you feel better if we went." George mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"It's definitely not like a four hour drive to get there-"

"Yes-" Dream glanced at George, nodding.
"We should go as soon as possible- I'm getting the maids to set up the swing bed at the base in our suite" he pulled out his phone, beginning to type on it.
"I'm making sure they get warm blankets- pillow.. snacks-"

"We can go later this week." George laid back down, pulling the blanket over his head.
"Alright?- I'm going back to bed." He muttered, shaking his head.

"That's to soon!!" Dream shook his head.
"We should be there at least a months prior- it can happen at any moment!" He huffed- checking the calendar on his phone.

Dream has been paranoid a lot these past few weeks- he's been trying to plan everything out- making sure it goes perfect.

"Uh huh.."
George on the other hand.. he's been just laying in bed sleeping not really paranoid.

"I have a hole schedule- I have any situation planned out- I have pushed back all my meetings and I've finished my important mandatory emails-" Dream didn't want to make the same mistake as he did last time- he wants to be there for George.

George chuckled slightly.
"I know you d-" he soon winced slightly, leaning back.

George rested his hands on his chest, arching his back a little.
"Ow- ow-"

Dreams attention quickly turned to George.
"Are you okay?? Did you pull something?? Do I need to take you to the emergency?!" He leaned over at the end of the bed.
"Is it happening...." He crouched down, peaking at the end of the bed.

"I rolled over my phone, you paranoid idiot." George pulled out his phone from underneath him.
"Stop being so paranoid." He threw his phone at dreams forehead.

"OW-" Dream fell back, rubbing his forehead.
"I'm just scared that I'm going to miss it- I want to be there for you." He sat up, frowning.
"And make sure your not alone."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now