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.: After the mall :.

"How was today zuma..?" George looked back, seeing zuma nuzzle his plushie.
"Was it alright?"

"really good!" Zuma held his bag of new toys.... He couldn't cuddle his new best due to it needing to be in the trunk.

Tallie and Elio tried reaching for the bag, wanting there new toys.

Zuma held the bag over, letting the two grab there toys.
"Here you go!" He smiled.
"You happy too!"

Tallie held the small bee plushie, nuzzling it happily.

Elio played with his small car squishy, squishy it before giggling.

Dream glanced in the rear view mirror, his gaze softening.
"So.. are we gonna pack our things and head home?" He glanced at the omega next to him.
"I miss my cat."

"Hm.. I have other plans for tonight." George smiled, looking over at Dream.
"It's still zumas birthday after all, he deserves to have fun before we go home and sleep" he nudged dreams side.

Dream cocked a brow, continuing to drive forward.
"What did you start now." He stared at George, a little concerned.
"What did you do."

"Nothing- big." George glanced out the window, smiling happily.
"Let's just be there quick." He began to type on his phone.

Dream hesitantly stared at George.. he didn't exactly.. well- trust George planning things... especially when he says there 'not big' and involves his base.

.: the base :.

George held the two pups, having zuma settled next to him- holding his leg while watching Dream struggle with the trunk.

"Jesus- why did you want the biggest stuffed animal in that store?!" Dream pulled it out of the trunk.
"Here you go zuma." He carefully held it- zuma could and probably would drag it through the house.

Zuma happily walked over, grabbing the giant teddy that was about 4-5 times bigger then him.
"Yay!" He dragged it away, completely hidden.

Dream broke into a wheeze, watching zuma struggle to take it away.
"Adorable." He walked next to george.
"He will love that thing."

Elio swiped at dreams arm, trying to smack him.

"Hi darling." Dream carefully picked Elio up, cradling him.
"He's so small... a lot smaller then zuma was he was born." He watched an Elio got comfortable in dreams arms.

"Don't drop him." George rubbed tallies back, walking after zuma.

"IM NOT GOING TO DROP THEM, IT WAS ONE TIME AND IT WASN'T MY FAULT." Dream snapped, growling slightly.
"It was an accident! I'm not going to drop him!" He followed after George.

"I'm just picking on you." George placed a small kiss on dreams cheek.
"As you used to pick on me." He stuck his tongue out, giggling.

Dream grumbled... wow.

"Now come on, your gonna miss the surprise." George looked up, seeing zuma drag his new plushie into the house.
"Everyone's in on it." He giggled.

"What- what did you do to my place?!" Dream new by 'surprise' is that George did something.
"What did you do-" he softly cradled Elio, letting him cuddle softly into his chest.

Before George could respond- Sapnap and Karl interrupted him.

"Happy birthday zuma." Sapnap softly chuckled, looking over at the few.
"Wait- where is zuma-" he quickly spoke.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now