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.: few hours later:.

Dream laid in bed, wearing nothing but his boxers and sweat pants.
"Hmm.." he glanced around before looking at the tv.

He held the two newborn pups on his chest, staring at the random movie.

George slept peacefully next to him, zuma sleeping happily in between them... he put on a movie for the pups while he helped Dream calm down.

Dream stared at the tv, he wasn't watching anything... just thinking- that's all he's been doing all night.

Its almost 5 in the morning... and all Dream could do is think- how can he be better.

"Dream...?" George rubbed his eyes, glancing up.
"Why are you still awake..." he mumbled, squinting his eyes.

"I'm happy right now.." Dream looked down at the two small pups sleeping.
"I don't want to sleep." He hummed.

"You need to sleep if we are going out later." George mumbled, fluttering his eyes awake.
"Okay..? Go the fuck to bed."

Dream cocked a brow.
"We are going out..?" He tilted his head.
"I didn't know of this.. where are we going?"

"I was thinking a family trip too the aquarium." George softly smiled, rubbing his eyes.
"It would be a nice way to bond." He stretched his arm over, resting it on dreams shoulder.

Dream nodded.
"Alright... I don't mind." He mumbled to himself, looking up at the ceiling.
"I'd love to go with the pups."

George tilted his head, he didn't know how to help dream.
"Dream...?" He spoke softly.

"Mhm." Dream just hummed a response, smiling to himself.

"Are you okay..?" George lightly nudged dreams side.
"Do you want to talk...?" He softly spoke.

"I'm fine, just tired." Dream shrugged, looking down at the pups in his arms.
"You should get some rest." He lightly hugged the pups.

George sighed, lightly nodding.
"You should too." He rested his head on dreams shoulder.

Dream nodded, but he never went to sleep... he just- stayed awake... he couldn't stop thinking.

.: 6-7 am :.

The two baby pups yawned as they slowly woke up- shuffling around faintly.

Dream looked down, smiling softly.
"Good morning little ones." He chuckled quietly, holding them carefully.

The two pups glanced up, happily snuggling into dreams arms when they realized who it was.

"Hi" Dream sat up, his smile growing.
"Are you two hungry...?" He saw the two cuddle into him- they were always hungry when they woke up.

The two pups whined... as they were indeed hungry.

"Alright little ones- let's find you something to eat."
Dream carefully slid out of bed, carrying the two.

"Can I come..?" Zuma peaked his head out from under the blanket.
"I'm hungry too.."

Dream looked over, nodding.
"Of course zuma.. I can make us all something to eat." His smiled grew happily.
"You don't need to ask."

Zuma happily gasped.

.: Dream and the pups POV :. Downstairs .:.

The three pups sat on the couch, in view of dream- dream made sure they were in his gaze the entire time, and also made sure to put pillows on the ground in case he didn't make it before they fell.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now