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Tw: mpreg mentions I guess?

I'm just adding trigger warnings for the people that are uncomfortable with it- just reminding you this is a Omegaverse story! Even though I kinda forget it is sometimes-

And in omegaverse stories there is mpreg- if it makes you uncomfortable-

I recommend not reading any further-

It's been about a week since Sapnap and Karl came over-

Dream decided they could stay and also have some vacation time, they deserve it after all the times they took care of zuma.

Sapnap and Karl took zuma out on a drive too the nearest store to pick out some small snacks for him- while Dream was trying to put a fancy dinner together for him and George..

George had been cooped up in there room almost all week- He wants to do something to make George feel more happy!

"Alright! Done!" Dream smiled proudly as he looked at the small dinner table he set up.. he made steaks for them for dinner.
"Now- I just need to wait for George to come downstairs." He checked his phone at the recent message sent.

'On my way down'

.: George POV :.

George nervously paced around the room-
"Did I do something wrong??" He checked his phone again.. seeing how long it's been since he told Dream he was coming downstairs.
"Did he miss pronounce his words??"

He looked at the message Dream sent.

'Hey. Can you come downstairs? I wanna talk.'

George whimpered faintly as he got enough courage and left there room, slowly making his way downstairs... he was scared-

Was Dream gonna break up with him?? Did he do something wrong..?

He peaked his head around the corner and saw Dream leaning against the counter.. he seemed like he was checking the time..

.: Dream & George POV :.

Where is he..?

Dream glanced over and saw George.
"Oh! There you are! I thought you weren't going too show!" He smiled, seeing the small omega walk into the living room.

"Yeah- I said I was" George nervously looked down at the ground- he looked upset and scared?

"Hey- are you alright...?" Dream rested his hand on George's shoulder, rubbing his thumb faintly on his neck.

George was quiet for a moment before glancing up at Dream..
"Are- are you gonna break up with me...?" He whimpered faintly, tears pricking his eyes.
"Did I do something wrong?"

Dream looked baffled for a moment- what??
"What?? No! Hell no! What made you think I would ever break up with you!" He quickly cupped the omegas cheeks, rubbing his thumb over George's faint tears.

"You- you said you wanted to talk.. and most outcomes when people say that means they want to break up.." George mumbled faintly, trying to look down at the floor.. but Dream made him keep his gaze up..

"George I would never break up with you.. not under any circumstances." Dream shook his head before kissing the tip of his nose.
"And the reason I said that was- I didn't exactly want to ruin the surprise." He had a small chuckle before his head traveled down George's body and slid his hands into George's hands.

George looked up at Dream some what happy.. thank god he wasn't breaking up with him!- but.. what was the surprise..?
"What surprise..?"

"Cmere." Dream tugged George faintly, dragging him towards the back door.
(He set the table outside)

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now