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I have heavy angst in the future, but for now have a wholesome chapter.

George sniffled as he sat on his broken down bed.. he didn't get much sleep- please message soon..

Dream completely lashed out at him...

At first he understood the accidental choking- he did appear suddenly behind Dream... if he kept him pinned to the wall- they would have had more issues.

But the yelling and kicking him out of the house is unnecessary.... Yet- I still love him... and I know he's working on it.
(Don't be callin Dream abusive- he just has his lash out moments- we all do-)

He sniffed until eventually he saw someone walk in the room... what?

George perked up- surely he locked his door.. wait.. right- it's broken..

A familiar scent filled the room- with a hint of pain.. sadness and guilt- with vanilla curling the air..

"Dream..?" George quickly rubbed his eyes.. dusting away the wet tears, trying not to seem weak.

"George- I'm so sorry-" Dream choked on his words as he looked down.
"I should have messaged you- but I thought it would be better if I tell you face to face a proper apolog-" he was soon cut off.

George soon hugged around Dreams waist.
"I forgive you..." he tends to forgive Dream easily since- well... his life is hard and he is genuinely a good person... he runs an entire mafia and has to bottle up his feelings since he doesn't know who to trust with his words and he doesn't want to seem weak... he lost his mom and dad..

Dream just huffed as he held georges shoulders, moving him back and making eye contact.
"George- you can't keep forgiving me for stunts like these-"

"Yes I can.. and I will.." George hugged Dream again.
"I understand your under a lot of stress all the time.. doing work, taking care of everyone.. it's stressful- and you don't have anyone you can talk too.." he hummed as he tightened his arms..not wanting to let go.
"If you need someone to talk too I'm here.."

Dream had a small smile before breaking down into a hug.
"I'm so sorry you have to deal with someone like me- I really don't deserve someone as kind as you." He nuzzled into the omegas hair.

"You have your moments every few months... you just need to release... you are genuinely a good person- just.. don't kick me out of the house again..." George nuzzled into the alphas chest.. hopefully trying to calm him down.

"Never- never again.. I was a fucking drunk dumbass idiot... I will never drink again- I swear on my word- never." Dream repeatedly shook his head.. he would do anything to stay with George..

George just had a faint chuckle as he leaned into dreams chest more.
"Just be a lot more calm... I can make you tea if that helps.." he looked up at the alpha.

"I'd like that." Dream smiled as he kissed George's forehead..
"I'm so sorry... is your neck okay..?"

"Yeah- it didn't hurt that much.. sorry for scaring you.."George hummed as he rubbed his neck... if he was being honest- he didn't mind it.... Kinky ass.... Obviously he isn't going to tell Dream he liked it. (Foreshadowing....?)

"I still shouldn't have done that.." Dream tilted George's chin up, seeing if there's any bruises... if there were he probably would have dragged himself down- and never forgave himself..

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now