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Dream hummed as he wrote on a few papers, making mindless scribbles.
"Hm.." he tapped his pen faintly on the paper, reading through the paper.

Zuma held onto the top of dreams head, sleeping comfortably while tallie slept in dreams hood- snuggling happily.

While George on the other hand was organizing emails on the lounger with Elio on his chest.
"Your emails are so messy." He huffed, reading through them.
"God- how can you understand this stuff???"

"Yeah.. I don't really have the time to go through them." Dream continued reading through the work.
"As I need this done before I go to bed- my neck is killing me right now." He made sure zuma wouldn't fall.

"Mhm." George typed on the laptop, humming softly.
"By the way, I sent an email to everyone about getting things up and running again... I also mentioned that we should have a meeting soon about that up coming mission."

Dream glanced over at George, having a faint smile.
"You've grown a lot it these past few years." He was proud how far George has come along.
"You can run things without me even being here."

"That's a big lie." George hummed, looking over at Dream.
"You know how to talk to people- I don't." He lightly chuckled, shaking his head.
"I'm not very good at it."

"But you have the looks to do it." Dream softly chuckled, looking up at George.
"Your an omega and your hot... you obviously can convince them.. you use to do it on missions.

"Yeah, missions I barely was aloud to go on"
George scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"I hope zuma breaks your laptop again- just because of that." He had an unimpressed look.
"You deserve it."

"I can just buy another then- drug money comes a long way."
Dream smiled, looking at his paper work.
"I enjoy doing work like this- having you in my office." He was happy.

George closed the laptop, nodding.
"Me too." He moved the laptop onto the ground, seeing Elio sleeping on his torso.
"Especially with the pups here."

Dream hummed, reading through his paper.
"God.. why has funds dropped so much..? And why hasn't anyone been managing and selling the drug shipments." He huffed, flipping through pages.
"It's frustrating."

"Cause.. foolish was probably trying to crash your syndicate I guess you could say... as everyone here more or less had the same goal." George glanced at Dream.
"He wasn't very good towards me... he was when I arrived."

Dream had a small sigh, shaking his head.
"Yeah.. it's just- strange without him." He looked over at George.
"But I respect the decisions made and why it happened."

"I'm still really sorry about it- words can't explain entirely how bad I feel.." George looked over at Elio, softly rubbing the pups back.
"I didn't want him to hurt them.."

"Don't apologize- as I've already stated... I'm not mad." Dream softly chuckled.
"I would have killed foolish as well if he tried to kill me or any of you." He still felt guilty what he said that night.
"I hope that email long ago doesn't change anything between us-"

"Nah- I doesn't." George softly chuckled, shaking his head.
"It was so long ago, I know you love me and the pups dearly.. plus- you wouldn't have asked me to marry you if you were planning to get rid of me." He softly shook his head.
"Nor having pups."

"Well- the pups just came along." Dream glanced up, seeing zuma happily sleep.
"Which I am not complaining one bit."

"Me neither." George leaned back, humming softly.

As Dream was about to speak- he was cut off.

The door was soon kicked open- startling the pups and everyone in the room.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now