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Dream groaned as he heard his phone go off..
"What the fuck..?" He mumbled in a tired tone... who the fuck was calling him this early.

George soon whined.. waking up faintly.
"Dream- turn that off... your gonna wake zuma up.." he covered his face with a couch pillow.

Dream grumbled before reaching over for his phone- why Wilbur was calling him.. at this hour??
"Hold on love..." he slid out from under George, causing zuma to fall over next to george.

George just huffed tiredly.
"Be quiet Atleast.."

.: Dream POV :.

dream grumbled as he walked into the kitchen.. pulling out his phone.

He soon answered the phone.

"What is it Wilbur.. I'm trying too sleep." He spoke in a deep tone, rubbing the top of his head.
"You should know better to call me at this hour unless it's-"

'Important- yeah, I know.' Wilburs voice was solid and firm.. something happened.

Dream soon perked up at Wilburs tone-

'You have a meeting today- and uh... it's not where you think it will be-' Wilbur awkwardly spoke, he was probably looking at a bunch of paper work now.

"Cant it be canc-" Dream was soon cut off fairly quick.

'No- it's the Halo mafia, they are new it town- and they want to meet the head of the most notorious mafia boss in this town- it's important'

Dream sighed.. god fucking damn it.
"Fine- when and where is this meeting held..?" He pinched the bridge of his nose... he wanted to just sleep in.

'That's the thing sir- it's held at a strip club...' Wilburs voice turned into a whisper.

"No." Dream firmly said, gripping his phone... he hated strip clubs.

'It's already all arranged Dream.. Foolish set the meeting up- he recommends bringing backup.'

Dream was about to curse out loud but just took a deep breath- he didn't want to wake George or zuma up..
"Fine- but I'm... fuck I can't believe I'm fucking saying this, I'm bringing George with me."

'Ooooo is someone afraid of the... strip club~' Wilbur teased through the phone.

"NO WILBUR!, you said I needed the backup, George is more and well capable of fighting." Dream growled into the phone, clutching it tightly.
"So shut the fuck up! And do your fucking job!" The alpha pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I'll be there in a few hours.."

"Daddy..? Are you leaving..?" Zuma stood in the doorway.. sniffing faintly.

Dream jumped slightly and turned around, seeing zuma... he looked like he was going too cry.
"Aw shit." He mumbled under his breath.

Wilbur just started laughing through the phone before Dream hung up, sliding his phone into his pocket.

Zuma was holding bunny tightly..
"Are you going to leave.." he mumbled quietly.

Dream crouched down infront of zuma.
"Only for a day zuma.. work needs me and mommy right now.." he rested his hand on zumas cheek, rubbing his thumb calmly against his cheek.

"Promise.." zuma puffed his cheeks out faintly, pouting.

"I promise.. I'll bring you a cake pop back alright..? Will that make us even?" Dream smiled as he tapped the tip of zumas nose.

Zuma faintly giggled and nodded, his mood changing into a cheerful one.

"Now, what are you doing awake.."Dream carefully picked up zuma, cradling him and bunny in his arms.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now