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Pretty shit at first but oh well

.: Time Skip to the day of the masquerade :.

George anxiously sat in the limousine, making sure he was looking nice- for dreams sake.
"Do I look okay?!? Am I not looking good enough?"

"George- darling.. calm down-" Dream sat next to george, resting his hand on his thigh.
"You look Devine as always.." he kissed George's cheek.
"You don't need to keep asking"

(George's outfit, but only the top part with dark blue elegant pants with silver trimming)

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(George's outfit, but only the top part with dark blue elegant pants with silver trimming)

"Did I under dress...?" George looked over at Dream, frowning.
"Should I have done more.. I should have- I should have worn the black one"

"No darling, It's alright" Dream rolled his eyes.
"I'm wearing something that's fairly plain.. while you look like a goddess in that outfit" he chuckled.

"Yeah.. but I look fat." George covered his stomach with his arms- insecure how he looks.
"I don't want to embarrass you there.. since this time all the most known mafia bosses will be there!" He looked at the ground.
"I don't want to be the reason your looked down upon on"

Dream slowly cocked a brow.
"You- you realize they won't notice right..?" He softly brushed George's hair out of the face.
"You used your scent blockers and they won't mess with you as long as your with me."

"But what if I do something wrong! What if I embarrass you!" George looked up at Dream.
"What if I accidentally trip you while dancing- or - or"

Dream covered George's mouth.
"Calm down, your omega side is showing through." He hummed, placing a kiss on George's cheek.
"Your not going to trip me"

George grumbled.
"It's not my omega side" he cupped his hands together.
"It's normal stress"

"And is that healthy too over stress." Dream leaned back, grabbing a glass from his side.
"Especially now that your having a pup" he had his normal cocky smirk,

George wrapped his hand around Dream tie before pulling him down, leaning close to his face.
"Because of YOU" he growled in the alpha's face.

"Ack-" Dream choked as his tie tightened around his neck.
"Okay- okay-" he pulled his tie back.
"But still-"

George rolled his eyes, laying on dreams shoulder- changing the subject.
"Do we only act as acquaintance while we are there..?" He mumbled quietly- he's been over thinking all day.
"Or strangers..?"

Dream deeply chuckled, shaking his head.
"Judging by the stunt I pulled last time.. they probably already know your mine" he tilted George's chin up.
"We can act together, we just need to be careful."

"What about zuma?? Is he safe right now?" George looked up at dream, having an anxious tone.. was there son safe?
"You didn't leave him with your brother right?!"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now