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Tw: mpreg, literally- this entire thing is mpreg.

Two weeks had past and all George has been doing was laying on the couch, enjoying his time peacefully.

"Okay... if I move the numbers here.." Dream was sat on the island, scribbling on random paper work.
"Fuck- what did they do??... idiots."


Zuma played on the carpet, playing with his two plushies.
"Bunny!" He held him up, showing George his bunny plushie.

George smiled, seeing the pup play with his plushies.
"Yeah.. bunny." He nodded.

But before he was about to slowly drift to sleep.. he felt a string of pain in his abdomen.

George winced, grabbing onto his stomach.
"Ow-" he quietly snapped.

"Mama" Zuma tilted his head, looking up from his toys.
"Mama..?" He stood up, walking over to George.

"I'm fine zuma-" George shook his head, holding his stomach.
"Just- a cramp-" he winced again.
"Ow ow- fuck-

Zuma lightly pushed George's shoulder, confused what's going on.

"I'm fine Zuma." George tucked his knees to his abdomen, wincing.
"Ow- owow"

Zuma looking over at Dream.
"Daddy.." he soon started to walk away towards the alpha.

.: Dream and zuma POV :.

Dream tapped his pen on the counter.
"How the fuck did Sapnap manage to mix up the numbers this bad." He was- so confused.
"It's like.. scrambled.."

Dream continued writing on the paper

"Daddy" Zuma tugged on dreams pant leg, whining.

"Yes zuma..?" Dream glanced down at zuma.
"I have work, I need to finish." He ruffled zumas hair.
"I'm busy right now,"

Zuma continued tugging on dreams pant leg.

"Zuma.. I'm working." Dream smiled, looking down at the pup.
"I can't right now.. aren't you supposed to be in bed with mama..?"

Zuma pointed over at the couch, continuing to tug Dream.
"Mama" he whined, having a scared look.

Dream furrowed his brows, confused.
"What..?" He turned over.
"What's wrong Zuma?"

"Mama!" Zuma pointed at the couch again, having a more scared tone.

Before Dream could understand- he heard a small wince from the couch.

Dreams eyes widened as he stood up, stumbling back slightly.
"George?!" He quickly ran over, dropping everything he was doing.

.: Dream, George and Zuma POV :.

"George?!" Dream quickly leaned over the couch, seeing the omega curled in a ball.
"Are you okay?!" His eyes widened.

George winced, shaking his head.
"No- no" he looked up at Dream.
"It hurts... i think it's hap-"

Dream quickly scooped George up.
"We are getting you to the hospital- immediately" he started to carry George towards the elevator.
"Cmon zuma."

Zuma quickly ran over, holding up his bunny plush for George.
"Bunny!" He smiled, wanting George to be okay.

George softly smiled..
"Yeah- bunny." He poked the bunny's forehead before gently picking it up.
"He's special."

The three soon got into the elevator, the alpha holding the omega close to him.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now