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Ha, 69


George sat in the car, covered in bandages... great.. now he has to 'go'

Before they left Niki placed a cream on his burns and wrapped them in bandages for the trip.. until they get to wherever there going- then he has to take them off.

George stared out the window.. watching as they drove to some... weird place- he hasn't been this far into town before.

Dream glanced down, seeing George all tensed.
"Hey, don't worry... only about twenty more minutes till we are at the airpo-" he got cut off.

"Okay, thank you." George continued to stare out the window... he was still kinda pissed off that dream left with the state he was in- but he can't be mad at him, but he should be.

Dream tilted his head.
"You alright..?" He nudged the brunette.
"You seem ups-"

"OW-" George lightly gripped his arm, looking over at Dream.
"Can you not do that.." he mumbled quietly.
"That hurts a lot when you touch my burns."

"Sorry!" Dream quickly moved over.
"Sorry- I forgot you were burned.." he frowned, looking over at George.
"I'm so sorry"

"I'm gonna go sit near the back." George carefully stood up, thankfully they were in a limo.
"With the pups and watch them."

"Hey- be caref-" Dream was cut off, yet again.

"You are not the one telling me to be careful after elbowing me with burns." George carefully made his way to the back, sitting down.

Dream was puzzled.
"Why are you so upset..?" He looked over at George, he seemed- more angry, more then usual.

"Many things actually." George leaned against the car wall, scoffing as dreams stupidity.
"Many things make me upset right now." He mumbled, staring out the window.

"Like what?" Dream turned himself, facing George.
"What is making you upset...?" He tried speaking softly.

"Oh! I don't know- the fact I don't have a say in this, I don't want to go- you literally leaving me IN A PITCH BLACK ROOM FOR HOURS." George glared at Dream, snapping.
"Yeah, thanks for turning off the light after saying you were gonna get a 'glass of water' for me" he scrunched his nose.

Dreams eyes widened.
"SHIT-" he gripped his forehead... he must have turned off the light, it's a bad habit he has.
"I'm so sorry- I forgot about the glass of water"

George scoffed, looking out the window- wow.

Zuma, tallie and Elio were distracted watching a movie on the tablet next to george.

"I honestly didn't mean too.." Dream could tell how upset George was for all this.
"But once we get to florida-" he was cut off.

"I don't want to go." George stated firmly.
"I wanna stay here!" He looked over at Dream, scrunching his nose.
"You can't force me to go, I'm staying."

Dream sighed, staring at the ground.
"I can and I will George, this isn't something to can choose." He leaned back in his chair.
"We are going to florida George."

"Then I'll just stay in the car." George curled into the seat, watching the pups movie.
"You can't force me out of the car." He mumbled.

Dream pinched the bridge of his nose..
"George, I am a mafia boss, I have my ways." He glanced over.
"I will get you out of this car."

George scoffed, leaning over the pups.
"Sure." He mumbled... he knew Dream wouldn't do anything.

Dream sighed, he knew George was gonna hate him for awhile after what he's about to do.


"Stop! I don't want to go!" George shook his head, keeping himself in the car.
"I'm staying in the car!" He shook his head, refusing to go.

"George. I will drag you out of this limo." Dream glared at George, scrunching his nose.
"We are leaving, the jet leaves in 20 minutes!" He spoke firm and coldly.

"No!" George shook his head.. he didn't want to leave everything behind, he wants to star here.
"I'm not leaving!" He snapped.
"I'm not leaving my home!"

The pups were already asleep in the Jet- everyone was inside but George... he still refused to leave.

"George you have 5 seconds to get the hell out of this limo or I'm dragging you out forcefully" Dream didn't have time for this- he had to get everyone out of here.. it was dangerous here.

George shook his head, standing his ground.
"I am not leaving- my home is here in this town, I'm not leaving because you want to leave." He didn't want things to change, he wanted to stay at the cabin in the mountains with him and his family... where there safe and nothing will change."

Dream knew this was going to hurt them both.. as he had to get George out.
"Come on." He grabbed George's wrist firmly, pulling him out of the limo forcefully.
"I'm not playing games anymore."

"OW!" George yelped, feeling Dream as he squeezed his burns.
"STOP! THAT HURTS!" He shook his head, trying to pull away.

Dream looked away as he pulled George out of the limo, quickly wrapping his arms around the brunette, squeezing his arms down.

"FUCK!" George cried out, feeling Dream squeeze his burns tightly.
"DREAM STOP! THAT HURTS! STOP STOP!" He shook his head, crying at this point.

"I'm sorry George-"
Dream held George tightly with one hand.. he knew George wouldn't stop.. so- he has to put him to sleep.
"I'm so so sorry George-" he reached into his pocket, holding the omega with one arm.

"PLEASE- DREAM LET ME GO, IT HURTS" George cried, trying to get out of dreams arms.
"PLEAS-" he was cut off.

"I'm sorry." Dream placed a cloth with a strange smell over George's nose and mouth.
"But I need you to sleep." He spoke softly.

George's eyes widened... was dream about to drug him!?
"STO- MM-" he shook his head, but Dream continued to hold it to his face.

Dream continued holding it too George's face until he passed out.
"I'm sorry- I'm sorry- I'm sorry" he quickly held George as he fell, holding the limp omega in his arms.
"I'm so sorry."

George was going to kill him when he wakes up.

Dream carefully scooped George up in a bridal position, walking towards where he had to go.
"I'm sorry George-" it hurt, it hurt badly what he just did.
"But I need you asleep."

He nudged George's head... yeah- I don't think he's going to have a mate for awhile after this.

Total word count: 1100

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now