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Sorry for not posting, I've been lazy as FUCK

George softly snored, nuzzling into the pillow.
"Mmm.." he slept peacefully.

Dream leaned against the bed-frame, writing down on a blueprint- scribbling almost.
"So if.. my squad comes here and if this go south.." he tapped his board, talking to himself.
"We can escape."

He needed to make sure in every outcome that George will be safe.. he can't let George get hurt... especially if he's having another pup.

"Okay.. we should have 3 escape roots if I planned this correctly." Dream spent the last three mornings making sure everything will go right... he woke up earlier to plan it out correctly then trained all day with George.
"If I go with George to the sight while Punz and Sapnap watch here... it should be safe.."

"Dada!" Zuma chirped as he climbed onto the bed, jumping onto dreams lap happily.

He must have snuck his way in without Dream knowing.

Dream looked up at smiled- seeing his pup.
"Hi zuma, dadas doing work right now." He hummed, looking down at the board.

Zuma carefully crawled over to Dream, tucking himself next to him, laying under his arm.
"I help." He hugged bunny and wolfy, looking at what he was doing.

"I just finished zuma.. buttt~"Dream ruffled zumas hair, he knew what the two could do to spend time together.
"I know something we can do." He grinned.

Zuma looked up, confused- what was Dream thinking.
"What is it dada?"

"Wanna help me make breakfast?"
Dream picked up zuma, holding him against his chest.
"We can make some pastry's..." he did not know how to bake.

Zuma nodded happily.
"Yeah!" He held wolfy and bunny up.
"We help!!"

.: George POV :.

George peacefully slept... until- a giant bang for the kitchen startled him awake- making him jump.

"What the... fuck..?" George perked his head up- rubbing his eyes.
"Dream..?" He looked over and saw he was gone.

He groaned, flopping back down on his pillow...

"I swear to god.. if fight broke out- they better shoot me on the spot." George pulled himself out of bed, walking towards the door.
"It's to early for this.

George calmly opened the door and walked down the hall, holding his stomach.
"God- I hate being an omega." He grumbled- feeling like he's gonna throw up.

Once he turned to corner- he instantly saw Dream and zuma in the kitchen- throwing.. flour at each other..?

"You idiot!" Dream wheezed, rubbing flour off his face- seeing the pup covered himself.

"What the fuck..?" George muttered.

.: George , Dream and basically zuma POV :.

George stared at the alpha and pup... completely covered in flour.
"What the fuck..?"

Dream and zuma instantly stopped, both looking over at George

After a few moments they pointed at each other, blaming each other.

"He did it." Dream pointed to zuma.

"Daddy did it." Zuma whined, pointed at Dream.. pouting.

George rolled his eyes, walking over too the two- of course they did this.
"Dream, clean yourself and this mess up." He yawned, picking zuma up.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now