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George sat next to the pups, holding zumas plate.... Where was he- zuma should be back by now.

"Mama!" Zuma walked in, smiling.
"Mama! Mama!"

George glanced over, not seeing Dream... I guess he still didn't come.
"Here you go zuma." He held the plate for the pup.
"I'm guessing your father said no..?"

"What makes you say that." Dream leaned against the door frame, eating the apple slices.
"Thank you for the slices by the way."

George quickly looked up... he was shocked- Dream actually came??
"Oh- I thought you were gonna be in your office." He looked down and Elio and tallie, seeing how happy they were.
"You said you were busy."

"I was just pissed off, so I went to calm myself." Dream glanced at George, seeing him tend to the pups.
"And zuma really wanted me to come, so I did."

"So.. your not mad anymore?" George glanced back at Dream, worried he still was.
"We can finally talk?" He spoke softly, softly brushing the top of tallies head.

Dream nodded.
"I'm in a much better mood and I'll listen." He took a bite of another apple.
"And I want to deeply apologize for what happened- I just I wasn't-"

"It's okay- I won't forgive you but.. I'll accept your apology." George gave a faint nod, smiling softly.
"Cause I'm still quite upset you drugged me." He chuckled, sneezing tallie sneeze.

"That's fair" Dream sighed, nodding... that's fair- George shouldn't forgive him.
"But I don't think I'm the only one that should apologize here, don't you think..?" He knew he was entirely wrong for what he did.

"Yeah- I'm also sorry for acting so childish." George nodded, looking down at the ground.
"I just didn't want to leave."

"I know.." Dream walked over, patting the top of George's head.
"I realized how hard It was on you when we left- as I forgot how hard it is on omega to move place to place." He lightly nodded, smiling.
"I just wanted to protect us"

"It's alright... I don't really care anymore." George shook his head, glancing out the window.
"I realized after I was pissed off at you for putting me to sleep." He stared at the open ocean.
"I listened to what you said, doing this for our protection"

"Well... how about we go out." Dream nudged his head, looking out the window.
"We can go on the beach, just the five of us." He thought this could help him and George talk more.
"Hm? Spend sometime and heal some wounds?"

Zuma gasped, looking at George.
"Can we go mama..?" He tugged on George's hoodie, he wanted to go play on the beach.

Tallie and Elio both whined, they also wanted to go... well- they didn't exactly understand, they were just whining cause zuma was.

"I guess so." George nodded- might as well let the pups be happy.
"We can go." He looked up at Dream.
"The pups want to go."

Dream nudged his head.
"Then let's go."

.: George and Dream POV :. Beach .:.

George sat under the shade, watching zuma play on the sand, Elio and tallie watching them.
"Cute." He watched as the pups played together.

He was happy- he was with his family.

"Why don't you play with them." Dream walked up behind george, having a confused look.
"They are happy- you can play with them."

"Can't." George shook his head.
"It's getting hotter and I can't risk worsening my burns... there healing better right now" he frowned, staring at the sand.... He wanted to go play with the pups.. but he couldn't risk the pain of his burns.
"So I'm going to sit and watch... it's safer if I do"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now