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Fluffy and smutty- and power bottom gogy- idk why

Tw: smut,praising, bondage-(sort of?) , teasing , etc

I don't fucking know just a shit ton of horny stuff

.:1 week later:.

George hummed as he read a book on the front porch- he was trying to find some spare time for himself this entire week- just some alone time.... But Dream was always with him, keeping an eye on him wherever he went- sure it made George feel safe- but god- he needed some time to himself.

He glanced away from his book and up ahead, he saw Dream and zuma playing in the snow.

Dream was chasing zuma around, slowing his pace so zuma had a chance to run around.

Zuma giggled as he ran around in the snow, running from the alpha.
"You can't catch me!" He stumbled a bit in the puffy jacket.

George just smiled, Dream has been spending a lot more extra time with zuma lately while since he just does his work before he goes to bed.

Dream chased zuma around a bit more before scooping him up under his arms.
"I got you!" He chuckled, holding zuma up.

Zuma broke into a fit of laughter as Dream held him up, tickling him.

The two laughed, but as Dream tried taking a step back, causing them both to fall into the snow.

"OH-SHIT" Dream cussed as he slid back, landing back first into the snow, holding zuma up as he did so- he didn't want him getting hurt.

George bursted out laughing as he watched the alpha fall.
"You idiot!" He giggled, closing his book carefully.

Dream just groaned as he placed zuma on his chest, flopping his arms in the snow.
"I'm too old.."

"Your fucking 21, your not old." George rolled his eyes, standing up while holding his book.
"Plus If you call yourself old- your calling me old too, I'm 20." He shrugged.
(Some ages for right now- I forgot them in the first book so these are there ages now, I want to make them young for first writing in the future)

Dream just grumbled.

"Anyways I'm going to go have a bath." George hummed as he turned, making his way towards the door.
"Once you get inside, change zuma into warmer clothes, it's your turn"

Dream quickly sat up, holding zuma to his chest.
"Hold on- I'll be right insid-"

"You can stay outside longer, I'm just going inside- I'll be fine" George giggled before making his way inside, leaving zuma and Dream alone.

.: quick Dream POV :.

Dream frowned as he watched George disappear- he's been so distant lately... why?
"Cmon zuma, let's go annoy karl and Sapnap shall we?" He rubbed zumas cheek.

Zuma nodded and giggled.
"Sappy and Carl!"
(I put Carl on purpose)

.: George POV :.

George had a relaxing sigh as he slid into the large bathtub filled with bubble bath - relief flowing throughout his body.. he has been aching all week.. especially his back and how he's been sleeping.

"Mmm... peaceful.." George muttered to himself, glancing over at the side of the bathtub and seeing a remote- oh yeah- Dreams bathroom has a tv!

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now