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Short chapter- my bad.. just showing y'all I ain't dead, just busy

George slept happily in bed, curling himself amongst the bed and pillows.
"Mm-" he smiled, hugging the pillow.

The two pups were fighting each other, trying to hit each other and smack each other's plushie out of there hand.

"Shh- stop it-" Dream held the two pups, trying to get them to stop fighting.
"He's trying to sleep little ones- please don't be fighting." He sat on the lounger, worried there gonna wake George up.
"Stop it"

The two continued to try and swipe at each other.

Dream huffed, staring up at the ceiling- zuma was so calm when he was small.... These two are so aggressive.
"Jesus..." he sighed, tilting his head back.

"Handful... aren't they." George lightly mumbled, glancing over at dream.
"They have been all week." He whined, stretching his body.

"Yeah-.." Dream stared at the pups in guilt.
"I promise for now on I'll be a better father and mate." He sighed, shaking his head.
"I truly am sorry for being gone the week- I won't leave again- I'm sorry."

"It's okay.. I knew you needed time." George lightly frowned, he knew Dream needed the time after killing his brother.
"I did kill.. foolish-" he mumbled softly.

"Yes- but I needed to be here for the pups too and take care of them- I just... I didn't want to get angry.." Dream sighed, shaking his head.
"I didn't want to accidentally snap at anyone.. not you- not the pups."

George's gaze softened, lightly nodding.
"It alright Alright.." he rubbed his eyes tiredly.
"Now.. go to sleep.. it's way to early for this."

Dream nodded, holding the two pups up.
"Quit it you two." He glared at the two pups- and they did in fact stop.
"Your mother is trying to sleep."

Tallie and Elio stared at Dream, holding there plushies- they quit fighting.

"Good." Dream looked up, seeing George had already fallen asleep.
"Let's let him sleep.." he walked out of there room, closing the door behind him.
"You two can play downstairs."

Once Dream closed the door, he glanced around... what the hell was he supposed to do now

Zuma giggled, walking up to Dream.
"Is mama awake!" He had a happy gasp, glancing up.
"We were Baking!"

"He needs to sleep zuma.. he's quite tired." Dream softly rubbed the top of zumas head.
"When he wakes up your two can continue."

"AWW! The babies!!" Drista cupped her cheeks, walking over.
"So adorable!!" She gasped.

Zuma tucked himself behind dreams leg, unsure of who this was.
"Scared-" he hugged dreams leg.

"Your scaring the pups with your ugly face." Dream glared at his sister, scrunching his nose.
"Don't worry zuma.. it's just my ugly sister." He ruffled zumas hair.

"HEY! We are siblings! We look the same!" Drista pointed at herself, lightly growling.
"Ass." She grumbled.

"Shh- not infront of the pups drista." Dream walked over, walking down the hall.
"Cmon zuma." He glanced behind, already seeing zuma follow him.

Zuma grabbed dreams hand, walking with him.

"You should have told me you had pups sooner!!" Drista followed after, giggling.
"There so cute!" She tried poking tallie- but tallie smacked at her.
"Ow- not that one-"

"She doesn't like people." Dream continued down that hall, walking down the stairs into the living room.
"Especially annoying alphas like you." He glanced over, smiling.

"Does it include you." Drista glared up at Dream.

"Sadly Ye-" Dream was cut of when tallie grabbed his bottom lip, yanking it down.

Drista giggled.

"S-stop that." Dream removed tallies hand from his lip.
"Aggressive child." He huffed, carefully placing them on the play run in front of the couch.
"Don't attack your siblings- god- she's just like Tommy"

Tallie instantly smack Elio in the head once they were put down.

"No no" Zuma shook his head, holding a bee plushie out.
"Happy and nice.. no hit." He giggled.

Tallie grasped the bee, biting it.
"Om-" she bit it, nuzzling soon after.

Elio rubbed his nose, sneezing soon after.


Dream sighed, sitting down on the couch.
"God." He looked over at the pups, frowning slightly.

"What's wrong..?" Drista could tell the look on dreams face.
"You seem down?"

"Me and George are growing farther apart by the week." Dream rested his head into one of his palms, sighing.
"And it's my fault." He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing.

Drista cocked a brow.
"Why..?" She says down next to Dream.
"What happened."

"I'm never here- even if George says it's okay.. it's not- the pups need me, I'm never here.. and George can't handle three on his own." Dream stared at the ground.
"We don't talk anymore like we used too." He frowned, missing the days where all they would do is talk.
"We're just- there I guess."

"Then.. why don't me and Sapnap watch the pups! You can plan a nice dinner for George! Or go out!" Drista smiled, glancing over at Dream.
"Have a nice date! Show him a nice time."

"Actually- that sounds like a good idea." Dream perked up, smiling a bit.
"We can finally spend time together!"

Drista nodded, smiling.

"I'm gonna go plan out our evening- I need to go grab my laptop." Dream stood up, walking towards the stairs.

.: time skip- George and Dream POV :. I'm lazy- shh.

A few hours- when George wakes up.

George yawned, sitting up happily.
"Oh my god-" he felt his back crack faintly, feeling instant relief.
"God.. that was a nice rest."

"Mhm, and the night will be even better." Dream looked up from his phone, smiling.
"I planned something for us tonight."

George lightly jumped, looking over at Dream.
"What..? But the pu-" he was gently cut off.

"Don't worry, Drista and Sapnap are gonna take care of them." Dream stood up, walking over to George.
"It's our evening- to make up for the anniversary incident... please..?"

George could tell Dream still felt bad about it.. so Why not?

George happily smiled.
"Alright- what do you have in mind?"
He tilted his head, smiling.

"I was thinking me and you can go out for dinner.. somewhere nice and fancy." Dream held his hand out for George.
"How about it.. like old times..?" He gave George a soft smile.

George felt his smile grow.
"Okay!" He felt excited- him and Dream were finally going to hang out and spend time together.
"Let me get ready!- I can't wait!"

Total word count: 1090

Sorry for the short chapter!! Don't worry the next one will be a lot longer!

And uh- I'm almost at 400 follows on twitch :D

If you want to follow- go ahead! Don't feel obligated too!

twitch/ SiLeNce_Atlaz

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now