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George sat in the passenger seat of the car silently, looking out the window.

He took a few deep breaths, looking in the side view mirror.

All the pups were in there car seats buckled up.. and sleeping peacefully.

Punz glanced over, seeing George sit quietly.
"You uh... wanna stop for any food or anything...?" He mumbled.
"We can get Taco Bell or something- if you want."

"No thank you." George looked over at Punz, smiling.
"I just wanna go home." He lightly nodded.
"Its been a tough night."

"You know- you don't gotta pretend to be happy.." Punz furrowed his brows, continuing to drive down the road.
"I can tell your upset." He frowned a little.

"A lil.. but I'm okay." George had a light nod.
"Just need some time." He looked back out the window.
"Plus I can't be upset- I did what I thought was right... even if it meant killing dreams brother."

Punz nodded.
"He always did hate you." He nudged George's shoulder, chuckling softly.
"Thank god he's gone."

"But dream is too..." George sighed, leaning back in the seat.
"And on zumas birthday.." he grasped his forehead, stressfully putting his hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry I cause all this- it was wrong of me."

"It's fine, you don't need apologize." Punz lightly chuckled.
"Cause to be fair- he deserved it." He shrugged, smiling.

George smiled- at least Punz was trying to help.

"What was this I heard about an email though?" Punz cocked a brow, looking over at George again.
"Something about it."

"Oh, it was an email a long time ago- I'm not mad at it." George shook his head.
"It was an email of him planning to sell me, but Dream proved he changed from then.. it was years ago." He lightly sighed.
"But it still hurt a little."

"Things hurt sometimes." Punz turned into a parking lot.
"Cmon.. let's get some dairy queen." He offered, driving to the drive through.

George chuckled softly, nodding.
"Alright, if your paying." He spoke quietly, not wanting to wake the pups up.
"Then sure, I don't mind."

"Of course I'm paying, you have no money." Punz rolled his eyes.
"Your broke as hell"

"You don't need to bring it up.." George muttered under his breath, looking back out the window.

.: Home :. 4-5 hours later.

George carefully tucked zuma in.
"Shh..." he smiled, walking over to put the pups in the crib to sleep.
"Go to sleep now... alright..?"

Tallie and Elio each snuggled in there cribs, hugging there plushies.

George took a small deep breath.
"Goodnight loves." He slowly walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

George leaned against the door, sighing.
"Fuck.." he mumbled under his breath.. what is he going to do- he already ate his eyes cream.

Just.. take care of three pups by himself..? Alone..

"You alright?" Punz walked over to George, holding out a cup of tea.
"I got your medication also- ponk told me I needed to get them for you." He held the capsules in his other hand.

"Thank you.. very much." George carefully picked up the cup then his medicine.
"I really need to lay down." He mumbled.
"I'm really exhausted.."

"Wanna watch a movie then?" Punz just wanted to keep George company, just in case he breaks down.
"Only if you want." He sighed, he just needed to wait for Karl and Sapnap to arrive.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now