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George slept peacefully- or- was sleeping peacefully until someone woke him up.

"Mama-" Zuma shook George's side, trying to wake him up.
"Mama!" He continued.

"Hmm..? Yes zuma-" George mumbled quietly- not paying much attention to his surroundings.
"What is it..?"

"Movie." Zuma shook George's side.

"Darling- we aren't...." George opened his eyes- realizing he was in his bed- at home... not at base anymore.
"Home??" He blinked- confused.

Zuma kneaded George's chest.
"Where's daddy." He whined, he looked everywhere for him before coming to wake up George.

George rubbed his eyes before looking around.
"Uh... I don't know-" he looked down at his messed up masquerade outfit..... so the masquerade was real.
"Let me change- and I'll figure it ou-"

"He's back at base." Karl walked in, holding a sippy cup of milk and a glass of water.
"He's not here."

"What?! Why?!" George sat up quickly.
"Why didn't he tell me he was staying!" He snapped, confused why Dream didn't tell him.

"It was too dangerous for you to be there" Karl walked over, giving zuma the sippy cup.
"Especially for these next few weeks or months."

"When will Dream be back???" George furrowed his brows- he would go after Dream.. but he needed to watch zuma- and plus... he couldn't drive..
"Why didn't he tell me.."

Karl shrugged softly, sighing.
"Depends what work he has, it can go from a few days - to weeks, sometimes months." He wanted to be honest with George.. it made him upset to see him so sad.

George looked over, grabbing his phone.
"I'm calling him-" he quickly unlocked his phone, going over to dreams messages.
"He better dam pick up."

"I'll leave your water here then." Karl left George's water on the side.... He knew this argument wasn't going to end well.
"I have to go unload all of zumas plushies-YOU DECIDED TO BRING." He turned around, walking off.

George didn't care at that moment- he needed to see if Dream was okay... he didn't trust the man alone.

He quickly called Dream- waiting for the phone to ring.

It rang for a few moments till Dream picked up.

"Cover your ears zuma." George sighed, taking a deep breath.

Zuma did as George said, covering his ears till he couldn't hear anything.

'Hello..?' Dream hummed, not really noticing who was on the phone.

"YOU ARE A FUCKING ASSHOLE." George snapped, yelling into the phone.
"What the hell?!"

'Oh- your awak-' Dream was cut off.

"Don't pull that 'your awake' bullshit on me!" George aggressively whispered into the phone.
"You purposely sent Karl and Sapnap to take me here without telling me what's going on!"

'I'm sorry- but I don't want you hear during all this, it's dangerous.' Dream sighed, he was clearly doing paper work.
'You could get injured'

"I'm supposed to be apart of the team!" George scrunched his nose, he wanted to feel useful- he felt useful at this point- why did Dream send him back.

'Not anymore- I have resigned you off my team earlier today- I have no further use for you to be involved in my work.' Dream spoke firmly- it may have sounded harsh.. but it's for George's own good.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now