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Dream made his way into the living room, hearing the pups giggling- and someone else-
"Huh...? He cocked a brow.


Dream furrowed his brows as he peaked around the corner.
"Huh..?" He tilted his head, seeing the blonde beta.

Tommy was holding tallie up by under her arms.
"She's so cuteeee" he gasped, looking at the pup with a happy look.
"I forgot you had more puppies!"

Tommy was lost in awe as he held tallie up.

Tallie had a pissed off look on her face..
"A!" She tried hitting Tommy, but couldn't reach.

"AWWW." Tommy awed at the pup.
"SO ADORABLEEEEEE." He looked at tallie in her little green onesie.

Dream leaned against the doorframe, watching the events unfold.
"Cute..." he wanted to watch for a few more moments.

.: George POV :.

George smiled, watching Tommy have his moment with tallie.
"She's the outgoing one... she's not afraid to fight you." He glanced down, seeing Elio hide in his hoodie.
"I know that for a fact- she fights everyone.."

Elio was hiding himself, peaking his head under George's jaw- seeing where tallie was.. and who the crazy blonde beta was.
"aaaa..." he whined, trying to reach for tallie.

"It's okay Elio, it's just Tommy." George nuzzled the top of Elio's head.
"Tallies safe love... don't you worry about your sister."

"THERES ANOTHER ONE?!" Tommy looked over, seeing Elio barely peaking out of George's hoodie.
"OH MY GODDDD" he awed at the baby.

Elio whined as Tommy spotted him- it made him scared.

"Yeah- Elio is the shy one." George chuckled, seeing Elio tuck himself into the cloth.
"We only have three- tallie, Elio and zuma." He hummed.
"But of course you know zuma."

Tommy was in awe.
"THERE SO CUTE!! And that one has the two different eye colours! Like you!" He tried nuzzling tallie but she swiped at him.

"Yeah.. tallie don't like new people." Dream walked over, sitting down next to george.
"Now.. where's little zumie, I haven't seen him getting any attention during this." He smiled happily.

"Oh dream! Don't worry"
George pointed over next to Tommy.
"He's playing with the giant teddy you got him for his birthday .... Since we never actually brought it back with us on his birthday." He pointed over, seeing zuma cuddling it happily.

As Dream was about to speak- gunshots rang down the hall- quickly making him stand up.

Everyone jumped and quickly looked around, seeing where they came from- did someone break in??

"take the pups and go hide!" Dream quickly pulled a pistol from his holster, looking over at the entrance of the living room.
"NOW!" He held an arm in front of George, in case anyone came in.

Zuma quickly jumped, scattering over to George and Dream.
"Mama? What was that bang bang!" He held his arms out, wanting to grab zumas hand.

George quickly picked up tallie.
"Zuma! Come here!" He held the two newborns in his hoodie, using one arm to hold them- while he used the other to scoop up zuma.
"Who's here that's doing this?!"

"That bitch Hannah." Dream snapped, so she was serious after all.
"She is furious I've returned- and she threatened to kill me." He growled to himself.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now