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George sat in the garden, smiling happily.
"I missed the garden" he looked at all the pretty flowers.
"I have not been here in so long."

"Mhm." Dream nodded, staring at his phone.
"Yeah-" he didn't even bother a glance up.

George looked over at Dream, confused... what's up with him..? Why he's he been so.. well- not Dream..?

Dreams been on his phone the entire time they've been out of there room, getting calls and replying intensely to them.... Ever since Punz and Sapnap said something to him early.. he's just been- tense.

"Are you okay dream?" George furrowed his brows, holding the two baby pups.
"You seem very stressed this morning..?" He spoke softly.
"Did the pups keep you up all night..?"

"I need to go for a bit, stay in the garden." Dream slid his phone into his pocket, walking over to Sapnap- whispering something to him before leaving.
"Love you."

George was- confused... Dream never left unexpectedly usually.
"Where you going..?" He tried asking- but Dream was gone...

George was lightly concerned but payed no mind to it... probably Tommy breaking another vase.

"Mama! Look!" Zuma held up a pretty flower.
"Pretty flower!" He got George's attention.

George glanced over, seeing zuma hold a pink rose.
"What a pretty flower." He smiled, tilting his head.
"Where did you find it..?"

"Daddy..?" Zuma looked around, confused.
"Where did he go..?" He whined, he wanted to show Dream the flower he found.

Before George answered, someone else did.

"He's just finishing up some work." Sapnap walked over, sitting down next to george.
"He won't be too long." He hummed, glancing at George.

"What is he doing??" George whispered, confused- Dream didn't tell him anything before he left... he usually does.

"He's just finishing up some necessary work.." Sapnap looked over his shoulder.
"He might be awhile." He furrowed his brows, mumbling.
"Hopefully not."

"Oh, alright" George smiled, Dream did need to work- so it's understandable.

"How about me and zuma play a game of tag while you care for the pups..?" Sapnap grinned, looking over at zuma.

"Ya!" Zuma gasped, raising his hands up.

"That would be nice." George nodded, chuckling softly.

.: Dream POV :. Basement .:.

Dream punched the beta across the face.
"Speak!." He said firmly, adjusting his mask soon after.

"A little harsh? Don't you think?" Punz leaned against the wall, staring at the beta that was tied up.
"The beta is scared shitless as it is." He smirked, chuckling a little.

"Heh.. well." Dream stared firmly at the beta.
"This little cunt tried to assassinate my family when we were sleeping did he not." He growled, glaring at the beta.
"Weren't you."

The beta remained silent, keeping his gaze down.

Punz and Sapnap found this beta roaming near the property, trying to break in.

"Speak when your spoken to." Dream aggressively grabbed the betas jaw, holding him close- trying to make him speak.
"I want to know what your little fucking plan was to do to my family."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now