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Dream hummed as he leaned against the door, waiting at the door for the few.
"Hurry up love, we should get there early,"

"Sorry! I was getting the pups ready!" George let tallie and Elio lay into dreams chest.
"Are you and zuma ready." He looked down at zuma.

"Yes mama!" Zuma smiled, hugging wolfy and bunny.
"I'm ready! So is wolfy and bunny."

George carefully handed the two new born pups to dream.
"Here- hold them for a moment,"

Dream lightly nodded- but before he spoke.. someone else did.

"Oh? Where you all off too." Drista walked down the stairs, noticing the few were all ready to go.
"You seem all happy and giddy."

"We we're going out for- I guess you could say a family trip." George turned back, smiling happily.
"All five of us."

"I don't really think it counts as a 'family trip ' if the dad is going to be on his phone the entire time." Drista faintly chuckled.
"At this point they barely have a dad, that's what I hear anyway." She giggled, she only wanted to annoy her brother.

But this struck a nerve in Dream- as he wasn't going to work... he wanted to spend time with the pups.

Dream stared at the ground, scrunching his nose faintly- it hurt more as he felt it was true.
"I'm going." He mumbled to himself.

George shook his head.
"Don't say that." He tried his best to refrain from snapping.
"Dream has been here."

Dream shook his head, making his way outside.
"I'll start the car up and buckle the pups up... Cmon zuma." He hummed faintly

George's gaze softened as he watched Dream leave.
"He's trying you know." He turned back to Drista, lightly snapping.
"He has been there for me and the pups.. he just gets busy sometimes! But he is here."

"I was only joking." Drista faintly chuckled.
"Siblings." She thought it was funny personally.

"It's not a joke if no one thinks it's funny." George softly sighed before making his way outside.
"Don't ruin this trip for us... it the only option I have to make Dream feel more happy.."

Drista was confused, only thing to make him happy.

.: Dream and George POV :.

Dream sat in the driver seat, tapping the wheel... that was not something he wanted to hear.
"Damn." He mumbled to himself.

All the pups were in there car booster seats, having a blanket and plushies to play with... tallie just looked mad.

George slid in the drivers seat.
"I'm sorry- I talked to her! Don't worry" he looked over at Dream with a happy expression.
"I'm ready!"

Dream nodded, looking down.
"I don't know what I'm doing wrong." He mumbled, looking down.
"It's confusing me,"

"Your not doing anything wrong love.. your doing great as a parent." George gave the alpha a comforting smile.
"You are doing amazing.." he hummed.

"It doesn't feel like it." Dream faintly smiled, shaking his head.
"This morning was one of the best morning I've had in awhile."

"I know, I didn't want to ruin your moment- so I helped get work done so you can spend more time with them." George nuzzled dreams cheek.
"But now we get to spend time as a family"

Before Dream spoke- someone else did.

"Family!" Zuma giggled, holding his hands in the air.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now