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Dream slid back into the car, holding the wheel.
"I got the cake pop, thankfully there's one of those cafes here." He smiled to himself.

George nodded, his smile growing.
"I'm excited to see the pups again." He may have only been away for a few hours, but he misses them.
"There probably excited for us to come home."

"I do too." Dream hummed, looking up.
"I miss them a lot... I always do." He placed the bag on the dashboard.
"Even... when I'm not there." He mumbled to himself.

George glanced over at Dream, seeing how upset he got- he was confused at the sudden change.

Dream stared out the window before sighing.
"Lets go home." He started the car, he wanted to go home.
"I need to give zuma his cake pop."

George nodded, he didn't know how to make Dream feel better by that.
"At least we get to see them!" And that was the last thing he said the entire drive back.

The two drove in silence, heading back towards the house-

George wanted to speak.. but didn't- Dream was... not himself in that moment- he was quiet and upset.

.: home :.

Dream slid out of the car once he's parked it, stretching his arms up.
"Finally... home." He mumbled.

"I was thinking we can watch a movie tonight.. me, you and the pups." George got out of the car, looking over at Dream.
"We can spend time all together!"

Dream had a small smile, nodding.
"Let me just put the extra sushi in the fridge." He glanced over at the omega.
"Then we can watch a movie.. all of us."

George had a happy gasp, finally.
"I'll see you inside then!" He walked over to the front door, leaving Dream alone outside.
"I love you."

Dream smiled as he watch George walk inside... but he couldn't help but frown- he was the worst person in the entire world... why was he here living a dream everyone wanted.. yet he was the worst person in the world for it.

.: George POV :.

George walked inside, glancing around to see if he saw anyone- was everyone still awake..? Or in bed.

Zuma was on the couch petting patches, while Elio and tallie were playing with each other on the play mat.

Tallie was playing with her bee while Elio was playing with zumas wolfy.

Sapnap was laying along the couch, keeping an eye on the three.
"Oh! Welcome back." He glanced up, seeing George.
"Drista is sleeping in the guest bedroom.

George smiled.
"Hi!" He walked over to zuma, patting the top of his head.

"Mama!" Zuma smiled, looking up at George.
"I missed you mama" he gasped while tallie and Elio- they just wanted to play.

"I missed you too zuma-" George nuzzled zuma before sitting down next to him and patches.
"Hi patchesl

"Daddy?" Zuma looked around, not seeing Dream anywhere.
"He gone..?" He whined, hugging patches.

"No no" George shook his head.
"He's coming inside, he's just grabbing something." He kissed the top of zumas head.

Dream soon walked In, making his way towards the kitchen.
"I'm placing this in the fridge." He put the sushi in the fridge.
"I'll be right over."

"Daddy!" Zuma had a happy gasp.
"Mama! Daddy's home!" He grabbed George's arm, tugging it faintly.

George smiled at zuma, looking over at Dream.. but- it seems that struck a nerve with him... what's wrong with him.
"Dream..?" He tilted his head.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now