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.: a week later :.

George laid in his bed, staring at his phone.
"Why hasn't he messaged at all.." he frowned, picking up his phone.
"He could at least check in... unless he's ignoring me.."

George understood why- but as he was about to drift to sleep- he heard crying from the room across from him.... Right-

George sighed, sitting up.
"I'm coming..." he rubbed his eyes, mumbling..
"I'm coming...."

He hasn't slept all week- he's been taking care of the pups and haven't been able to rest- not even for 5 minutes.

George walked out of his room, making his way to the pups room.
"I'm coming.... I'm coming.." he yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"God- you look exhausted- are you okay...?" Sapnap looked over at George, seeing how exhausted he really looked.
"Are you okay??"

Sapnap also heard the pups crying so he went to check on them.

George shook his head.
"Im fine- I just need to feed them... and I can go to sleep." He rubbed his eyes, yawning.
"Then I should probably clean the hou-"

"Dude- you've been at this all week... you need to sleep." Sapnap rested his hand on George's shoulder.
"Get some sleep.. I'll manage with the pups- Karl told me what to do when feeding them."

George was silent for a few moments before he nearly broke into tears.
"I need him back- I can't do this on my own.." he rested his hands on his shoulders stressfully.

Sapnap frowned.
"It's fine... he's gonna be gone awhile- you don't need him.." he did not know how to help-

"I do- even if we have an argument and we both say things... we know we don't mean it- we apologize and fix it- it's just been stressful for both of us this pass year.. and- I can't.. I can't take care of three pups by myself." George shook his head, staring at the ground.
"I just can't"

"Your not alone George- you have me, Karl and Punz to help.." Sapnap gave a light nod, offering a hug.
"You just need to let us help."

George hugged Sapnap.
"Can you try and convince him to come back.." he mumbled, hugging him tightly.

"I can try.." Sapnap lightly nodded.
"But you should try first." He pulled away from the hug.
"Call him while I feed the pups."

George nodded.
"Okay.." he was a little nervous- but he had to drag Dream back.. for the sake of the pups.

"I'm gonna go feed them, go get rest." Sapnap nudged George's side.
"Alright..?" He softly spoke- he knew George needed sleep.. or he's just gonna collapse like he did before.

George nodded.
"Thank you" he made his way back towards his room- he was going to try and call Dream.
"Hopefully he picks up."

George quickly closed the door and hopped onto the bed- reaching for his phone.
"Please this is a good idea." He picked up the phone, having some sense of hope.

He went into contacts and clicked on dreams- clicking the call button.

"Please- please... please pick up." George held the phone to his ear.

After a few rings Dream picked up.

'Hello?' Dream sounded- fine?

"Hi! I haven't heard from you an I got worried!! I'm really really sor-" George was cut off when he heard someone else through the phone.

'Dream, Cmon- let's go.' It was a females voice- one he's never heard in his life.
'Im getting hungry and you said we could go out'

George's eyes widened slightly.
"Oh- are you busy right now..?" He leaned back against the bed- was he with someone else right now- and we're they getting dinner.
"Should I call another time..?"

'Yeah- a little-' Dream sounded just- confused why George was calling him.
'Did something happen? Is everyone alright.'

"I was wondering when your coming back..? Zumas been asking for yo-" George clutched the phone, staring down at the bed.

'Not for awhile, I'm quite busy.' Dream spoke softly.
'Probably soon though." He muttered, his voice changing to an upset tone.

"S-sorry- it was a dumb idea-" George started to feel tears prick his eyes.
"Sorry, I'll leave you alone-" he quickly hung up, throwing the phone away from him.

George broke into tears- why did he even listen to Sapnap and call Dream.
"Fuck.." he covered his mouth- he didn't know why.. but was Dream with someone else..?

Did he get that much hatred for him that he's going to dinner with someone else.

He shook his head and just laid down- he wouldn't- Dream is loyal- hopefully.

"I don't need to think about this right now- I can take care of the pups on my own.." George grabbed a pillow, hugging it firmly.
"I am fine." He shook his head.
"I'm fine.."

George stared at the wall, taking a deep breath.

.: Dream POV :.

Dream looked at the phone confused- holding the steering wheel.

"Who was that." Drista looked over at Dream, cocking a brow.

"My mate.. he was wondering when I was going to go home." Dream stared at his phone, sighing.
"My kid wants me back." He clutched the phone tightly.

"YOU HAVE A MATE!!" Drista snapped, staring wide eye at Dream.
"AND A FUCKING KID?!" She gasped, shocked.

"Yeah... at least I did.... And watch your mouth" Dream leaned his head against the side window.
"I haven't talked to him all week." He muttered, shaking his head.
"I've felt too guilty too after what I said."

"HIM?!" Drista was even more shocked by the seconded.
"Is it an omega?!" She gasped, looking over.

Dream had a small nod.
"Yeah.." he started the car, getting ready to drive.
"He was the one that killed foolish."

Drista's gaze softened instantly.. oh.
"Oh... he was the one in the footage-" she mumbled, looking down.

Dream nodded, sighing.
"Foolish tried to kill him first.. but George was faster." He stared at the dashboard.
"I should probably go back, I need to go back.

"Can I come..? I wanna meet your mate and k-" Drista was cut off.

"Kids." Dream rested his head on the steering wheel.
"I fucking hate myself right now.." he sighed, looking up at the road.

"Why..?" Drista cocked a brow- why was Dream so upset..? Yeah- there brother died.. but why does he hate himself.

"Because I suck, I am a terrible person - i can't seem to do the right shit anymore- not even my job!" Dream sat up, snapping to himself.
"I always get to pissed off or annoyed and I just- I am terrible- I'm a terrible person, I'm a terrible mate- I'm also a terrible father and a terrible mate." He lightly nodded.

"I don't think your a terrible brother." Drista nudged dreams side, trying to figure out how to cheer him up.
"You were my favourite out of you and foolish."She lightly giggled, trying to cheer dream up.
"Plus- you can't be that upset he killed foolish- he was a dick."

Dream stressfully ran his hand through his hair.
"I need to go back... George will get sick." He started the car.
"I need to apologize and tell him I'm not mad."

"Can we stop for food like you promised." Drista turned Dream, frowning.

"Sure- whatever.." Dream rolled his eyes, pulling out of the parking lot.
"I'm picking."

He should probably get food for George as well.

Total word count: 1300

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now