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George rested his hands on dreams shoulders.
"You dance well." He kissed dreams jaw, lowering his mask down.
"I keep forgetting you dance."

"I'm a mafia boss, of course I dance." Dream swayed George around, smirking under his mask.

A beta tried walking over to Dream and George.

George growled at the beta.
"Fuck off." He clutched dreams shoulder, glaring through his mask.

"Jeez-" the beta soon walked off, flicking her hair.

"Your adorable when you try and act tough, it's almost funny." Dream shook his head softly.
"Zumas glad to have a parent like you." He grazed George's lower back and hips.

"Yeah, cause I'm not a dick." George giggled, cocking his head to the side.
"UnLike a certain alpha I know of." He smiled.

"Mm? And who's that." Dream swayed them around, humming.

"Hmm.. I wond-" George was cut off when he was pulled away from dream.
"What the-" he looked over.

He noticed it was the same alpha before- pulling George into a dance- tugging him away.


.: George POV :.

"What the hell?!" George snapped, glaring at the alpha.
"What are you doin-"

"Shh- I'm sorry I did that.. please don't kill me-" the alpha quickly apologized, glancing around for Dream.
"You and Dream need to leave here immediately-"

"What?? Why!" George snapped, looking around for Dream.
"I'm going back to dre-"

"Jax- or halo or whatever- there planning on shooting up the place- pogtopia and black rose mafia has left already... but you both need to leave." The alpha hesitantly looked around.
"The balcony has a secret ladd-"

The alpha was cut off when Dream punched him across the face.

The alpha fell on the ground, holding his face.

"Wait!- Dream!- stop!" George stood in front of Dream, holding his arms out.

"Don't touch my mate again.
Dream growled, looking at the alpha.

"Shh-shh- stop Dream!" George shushed Dream, looking up at him.
"Keep it down!- he didn't do anything.

"But he-" Dream was confused but pissed off at the same time.
"He took you."

"Dream- he's helping us." George leaned forward whispering to Dream.
"Jax is planning too shoot the place- we need to find Billzo and go now."

Dreams eyes widened a little, looking down at the alpha.

"He told me- now go find Billzo-" george lightly shoved dream, looking around.
"I'm gonna go wait near the balcony for you both."

Dream nodded.
"Don't get hurt." He rubbed George's cheek before turning and walking off.
"Be safe."

.: Dream POV :.

Dream paced across the ballroom floor.
"Bring the car around back immediately Sapnap- a shooting is about to talk place." He whispered into the phone.

'What?! Seriously?!' You could hear Sapnap yell through the phone.

"Please hurry." Dream hung up, looking up ahead- seeing Billzo talking to people.

He walked over, tapping Billzo on the shoulder.

"May I have a conversation with Billzo." Dream stood tall.
"It's important."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now