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"George??" They looked over at George, a jaw dropped look.

"FUCK." George cussed, turning around.
"I swear to go... holy shit." His eyes widened.

"Holy hell! George!" They smiled, walking over to George.
"You have a kid now?!" He looked at zuma.

Dream furrowed his brows, who was this stranger talking to his mate.
"Err- who is this?" He lightly growled, looking at George.

"This is Andrew! He was my bestfriend before I got kicked out of my house!" George smiled, looking over at Andrew.
"We grew up together" he giggled.

Dream scrunched his nose- he didn't like him... nor trusted him.
"Oh." He carefully took zuma from George.
"Let's get goi-"

"I wonder what happened! You stopped coming to school" Andrew smiled, chuckling a bit- cutting of Dream.
"I didn't think you had a boyfriend or kid!" His scent thickened the air.

Dream growled, examining this.. person- they fucker was an alpha.. he better not come near him, George or his child.
"Yeah.." he angrily laughed- trying to act 'nice'

George quickly nodded.
"This is Dream! He's my mate actually." He lightly grasped dreams arm.
"He may look scary but he is lovely!"

Dream glared at Andrew, growling... he needs to leave.

"Yeah.." Andrew awkwardly laughed- moving away from Dream.
"Wait- your an omega??" He quickly looked at George, surprised.
"Is that why you left!" His jaw dropped.

George nodded, hugging dreams arm.
"Mhm! Dream is the best." He glanced up at the blonde.
"He basically took me in when I had nothing"

Dream anxiously glanced around... yeahhh- took-

Zuma just looked at the two confused.
"Dada..?" He nuzzled into Dream, he didn't know who this other alpha was..

Dream had his arm tightly around zuma.
"Shh.." he hushed quietly.
"Let's stay silent for now."

"We were just going shopping for baby things, you should join us!" George offered, wanting to catch up with his old friend.
"Cmon!" He walked ahead, passing the too.

Andrew turned, seeing George past by.
"Alright!!" He smiled.

Dream walked over to Andrew, leaning forward.
"Don't even try it." He growled under his black face mask.
"Got it." He scrunched his nose.

Andrew quickly looked back nodded.
"Y-yeah.. got it-." He muttered.

"Good." Dream snarled slightly.
"He's already gotten a fiancé." He walked past Andrew, shoving his shoulder past him.
"If you try anything.. I will not hesitate to kill you."

.: Dream POV :.

Dream followed the two, holding zuma tightly.

Zuma looked up at Dream.
"Mama..?" He tugged dreams blazer, pointing at George.
"Stranger.." he mumbled,

George was walking ahead, picking different things for the future pup.

Andrew was standing a few distance away, talking to George about different things.

"Not daddy.." Zuma lightly growled, shaking his head.
"Daddy." He nuzzled into Dream.

"I know." Dream lightly growled, scrunching his nose.
"I don't like him either zuma." He rubbed zumas back.
"Don't worry.. I'll deal with him at some point"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now