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Second chapter WOOOOOO, I'm not very proud of this since it's hard for me to explain some things so I tried-

George walked out of the elevator into the garage, having his black bag over his shoulder, holding the strap across his chest.

"You alright darling?" Dream hummed as he followed behind george, glancing over his shoulder.
"You know you can just stay home-"

"I want to go- I trained 3 months through hell and back.. I wanna be able to go on missions like this.." George turned to dream and had a small smile form on his face.
"With you and the crew."

Dream had a small sigh as he rested his hands on George's hips.
"You just got back.. and last time I brought you and a mission like this you got shot in the shoulder..." he frowned.. remembering everything very vividly.

"Well I won't get shot this time, I know what im doing." George rested his hand on dreams cheek, rubbing his thumb lightly.

"Well your sticking with me the entire time.." Dream hummed as he kissed the tip of George's nose, nuzzling him faintly.
"You are not leaving my sight"

George hummed and nodded... he knew he couldn't get Dream off his back.. even if he tried telling him he's fine.

But before George could speak foolish interrupted them both.

"George I thought I told you to change." Foolish huffed in annoyance as he stared at George revealing outfit.
"It's unsuitable-"

"He's not changing." Dream faintly growled as he turned to foolish.
"He's staying like this." He gripped George's waist.

"He can't fight in that." Foolish pinched the bridge of his nose.
"He's looks like a-"

"Yes I can." George firmly mumbled as he leaned into dreams side, cutting off foolish.
"You just wasn't there in my training so you wouldn't know.."

Foolish just furrowed his brows.. he was about to say something but closed his mouth... best not to say it infront of Dream.
"Dont disappoint us." He passed the two.
"Get your weapons ready and get going immediately."

George nodded as he put his bag down, crouching down over the black duffle bag.
"Yes sir.."

Dream looked down at George.. what is he doing??
"What are you doing..?" He furrowed his brows as he stared at the omega

George opened his bag fairly quick.
"Hold this.." he pulled out a dark soft blue and black katana and held it up to Dream.. Atleast it was sheathed.
(Sheathed means in a holster, unsheathed means the blade is out of its holster.)

Dream stared in shock as he held the covered blade of the katana.. what the fuck..?
"Uh- why do you have this-" he looked at the katana.
"And where did you get a katana..?"

"Hannah gave it too me- oh here we go!" George pulled out a rope with a strange black at the end and a hoop at the other.
"My Kyoketsu-shoge!"
(Hopefully I said that right)

"My Kyoketsu-shoge!" (Hopefully I said that right)

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.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now