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I'm not dead, I've just been grinding on Genshin 💪


Sapnap stared.. what.. the.. fuck.. is that-

"Hello dream." Skeppy yawned, stretching his arms.
"Oh-" he instantly saw Sapnap, his eyes widening.
"Oh my god..."

Sapnap just stared in disbelief- this can't be real

Bad was distracted looking around to realize ahead of him.
"This place is massive." He smiled, looking at the decor.

Skeppy quickly smacked his hand against Bads chest.
"Bad-" he stared forward.

"Ow!" Bad yelped, looking over at skeppy.
"Wha-" he cut himself off, seeing Sapnap stand In the office.

Sapnap slowly turned to dream, staring at him with a shocked yet confused look.
"I-" he looked back and forth between the two.

George just sat awkwardly with the pups.
"Well uh... why is Um-" he slowly looked at Dream... confused as hell.
"Schlatts old workers here-"

"There the ones that helped us get to you," Dream hummed, surprised George doesn't remember them.
"And I'm pretty sure you'd remember them from the casino.... Plus there sapnaps parents."

George perked up.
"I remember now! They were the only people that actually cared for me there" he looked down at the pups, smiling.
"They secretly fed me food when Schlatt told them not too."

Bad gasped as he quickly walked over.
"Sapnap!" He hugged the raven haired beta, holding him close
"I missed you so much!"

Sapnap was shocked but quickly hugged bad back.
"I thought you guys were gone after Schlatt died." He mumbled quietly, smiling to himself.

"No- that means girl ace took over and me and skeppy had no contact with anyone after ou.... But Dream was able to reach us a letter." Bad looked over at Dream, having a happy look.
"He said he can help us escape and got us a flight to florida."

"Yeah- we were surprised when we got the letter.. sort of a letter I guess you could say." Skeppy glanced at Dream, smiling softly.
"Thank you for this." He saw how happy bad was.

"We should probably move our conversation sometime later.. as I see you three want to catch up." Dream also wanted to spend the rest of today with the pups and George.
"Thanks can be told later."

The three nodded before leaving the room... yeah- they have a lot to catch up on.

.: Dream and George POV :.

George looked down at the pups- seeing them getting tired.
"I'm gonna take these three to bed.." he carefully picked Elio and tallie up.
"Ready zuma..?"

"Yes mama" Zuma stood up, grabbing onto the bottom of George's shirt.
"I tired too..." he rubbed his eyes, whining.

"There room is the one across from are's." Dream hummed, looking around his office.
"If that's where you want to put them to bed." He hummed, glancing back at the omega.

"Pfft- you mean my room for now.. your not sleeping in the same room as me.." George glared at dream, lightly growling at him.
"Just cause I act nice- doesn't mean I'm still not mad at you for drugging me." He had an unimpressed look.

"Ehh.." Dream awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.
"It wasn't... THAT bad-" he mumbled.
"You really didn't give me much of a choice."

George pointed at Dream.
"You are lucky I'm not beating your ass right now for that- saying it's not 'that bad' really?" He spoke firmly and quietly- scrunching his nose.
"Now let's go little ones... let's go watch a movie."

Dream rolled his eyes, smiling soon after.
"I'll just bring him some food later." He got back to work.. he should probably go talk to Sapnap and his parents.

.: George POV :.

George carried the younger pups down the hall, zuma following after the brunette.
"Keep up zumie" he hummed, glancing back.
"I have no idea where our room is... I think it's around here." He didn't know where anything was.

"Mama.. I'm Tired.." zuma whined, hugging his two plushies.
"Movie...? Please...?" he mumbled, glancing up at George with a soft look.

"Yes zuma, we can watch a movie." George smiled, nodding happily.
"I just need to get your siblings to sleep, since your dad is sleeping in his office tonight." He perked up, smiling.
"Which means we get the bed to ourselves... and no snoring."

Zuma was puzzled.
"Why daddy sleeping in office..?" He tilted his head, following George still.
"Is he watching movie with us..?"

"Because he.... made a small mistake.. and he deserves to be punished for it- so did I- but.. i think what he did was a lot more.. risky..? If that's the work" George hummed, looking forward for his room.
"There's our room." He perked up, adjust Elio and tallie.

Elio whined, rubbing his nose.
"Ma- ma.." he rubbed his eyes soon after.

George felt happy- just as happy when zuma called him mama for the first time.
"Good job baby!" He nuzzled him softly, smiling.
"Don't worry.. we are almost there."

Tallie was too tired to do anything.. she was exhausted.

Soon the four happily made there way into the room- but zuma ended up walking back out to go grab something, a toy or plushie most likely.

"Shh.." George carefully placed Elio and tallie down, letting them cuddle on dreams side of the bed.
"Get some rest.. alright..?" He made sure they were comfortable.

The two happily fell asleep together, resting near dreams pillow...- but as George was about to go get changed he heard small patter.. zuma must have returned.

"Mama!" Zuma peaked his head in, smiling.
"I back!" He tugged his hand.

George glanced back, smiling.
"What is it darling? I was just getting ready to put the movie on for our family movies." He looked down at zuma, tilting his head.

Zuma just pulled on his hand.

"Well- it's not exactly 'family movies' if someone of that family wasn't invited~" Dream was pulled in my zuma, holding the pups hand.
"Rude much." He licked along the bottom of his fangs.

George had an unimpressed look.
"If your staying it here.. your get the couch."he growled, pointing over at the couch.
"You don't get any privileges."

"And why can't I sleep in the bed I paid for?" Dream smiled, cocking a brow faintly.
"Isn't that unfair..? I bought it." He tilted his head up.

"Well- Because I claim it now- and the pups are on your side of the bed as we speak." George sat down at the edge of the bed, glancing back at the small tired pups.
"And I am still pissed off at you." He growled- looking up at Dream.

Dream rolled his eyes, continuing to lightly chuckle.
"Your okay- see..?" He patted George's shoulder.
"No harm has come to yo-"

"AH-" George flinched, grabbing his shoulder.
"FFFFF-" he bit the inside of his mouth, wincing.
"I'm still burnt-"

"Oh- right-" Dream quickly pulled his hand away.
"Shit-" he quickly felt guilty- looming around for anything to help George.

"Your a dick." George glared at dream, scrunching his nose.
"You know that." He frowned, shaking his head.

"Yes." Dream picked zuma up, placing him on the bed.
"But without this 'dick' , these loves wouldn't exist." He kissed the top of the smaller pups head.

"I fuckin hate you so much." George sighed, carefully laying down.
"You big idiot" he broke into a faint bit of laughter.

"So.. can I get on the bed..?"

Total word count: 1320

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now