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Sorry! I decided to take a small break from posting, the Christmas chapter might be a bit late- so I apologize before hand.

Tw: short angst- I have big angst for the future- but after the Christmas chapter.

George sat happily in the car, glancing out the window, watching as there trees passed.

"Why are you so happy?" Dream cocked a brow, turning his gaze to the omega next to him.

"Because! I like Christmas shopping! It makes me excited!- plus- it's good getting out of the house." George happily hummed, swaying back and forth.
"Especially that there all hung over and probably throwing up." He looked over his shoulder at the pup.

"Fair enough." Dream chuckled, glancing back at he road.
"I hate this drive sometimes." He huffed.

"I don't mind it." George smiled, reaching over the seat for zuma, seeing if he was still asleep.

Zuma yawned, hugging bunny tightly, sleeping soft and soundly.

George ruffled zumas hair softly before turning back forward, looking out the front window.

"So what are we doing again?" Dream completely forgot why he was driving back out here.
"Cause I need to get some work done.."

"That can wait, we are going Christmas shopping." George hummed, unbuckling his seat belt and laid his head on dreams lap.
"I have celebrated Christmas since I was 15.."

Dream glanced down at the omega nuzzling on his lap.
"George! Put your seat belt on!" He furrowed his brows.. it was unsafe for him.

"Then put your seat belt on as well." George grumbled, pulling the seat belt uncomfortably over him, clicking it into place.

Dream huffed before grasping the seat belt and pulling it over him, being mindful of George.
"I look stupid." He gripped the steering wheel.

"I know, that scar on your face proves it all." George hummed, turning his gaze up at the blonde.

"What the fuck." Dream frowned, continuing his gaze forward.
"You are disrespecting me and zuma right now, I hope you know that."

"Yeah well at-least I didn't give you a scar on your shoulder." George cocked a brow, having an unimpressed look.

Dream frowned upset,
"I didn't mean too.." he mumbled quietly, feeing guilty about that.
"I'm sorry."

"It's alright, I know it was an accident." George yawned, getting himself more comfortable.
"Now then- how long till we are at the mall."

"About an hour." Dream hummed, resting one of his hands on George's torso.
"You've asked me the same question for the last two hours."

"Yeah- well it's not my fault you chose to have a house so far away." George rested his cheek on dreams thigh, looking down at the breaks.

"Your the one who wanted to live here." Dream rolled his eyes, keeping on hand on the wheel.
"So don't throw this at me." He turned his gaze up towards the rear view mirror, checking on zuma.

Zuma yawned, sleeping happily in his booster seat, making sure not to drop bunny.

Dream had a small smile crawl up his face before turning back too the road.
"How did my life end up like this" he sighed happily.

"You kidnapped me." George had to point it out.
"That's how"

"Okay- you lost lap privileges- off off." Dream swatted George off his lap, making him sit in an upright position.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now